To do this, they would want you and I to spread the diversified roles women co-workers have in global development organizations. Recognise and promote the female colleagues or teams you believe are doing great job in this sector by posting photos of them in your social media networks with the hashtag #WomenInDevOrgs.
It doesn't have to be women in high positions or future Nobel peace price laureates. It doesn't also have to be someone else. If you are a woman (or a group of female colleagues) working in global development and are proud of what you do, then join the campaign and share a photo of who you are.
Post a photo and write a few words about the women you want to recognise, the organization they work for, where they work and their role. Post on your accounts on Instagram, twitter, Vine, Facebook and Google +
If you don't have any of the social media above - send your photo and text to and it will be posted to their account on Instagram. You can also let them know if you want to appear as anonymous.