Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Your body and your character....

Morning ya'll, welcome to Tuesday and welcome to my friend's corner where she writes on "the body and the character". Watch out for subsequent posts (Tuesdays and Thursdays) as she writes on relationships and things you should know about aviation (safety tips and scheduling,etc). Enjoy this piece from Gift:

The way an astronaut needs a space suit to function on the moon is the same way we need our body to function on this planet. Our body is designed with very unique resources given to us by God with natural and healthy cravings like food, drink, sex, touch etc. Our body and its cravings have tremendous impact on our lives.

The human spirit has the capacity to affect the body and vice-verse. However, it’s our responsibility to make corresponding changes in our emotions, mind and our body. Being controlled by your body is a sign of weakness and spiritual immaturity because God has given us the power to dominate our body. Let’s not allow our physical body destroy us. It’s vital to pay attention to what we do with our physical body.

Tips that can help us:

  • Change should begin from the inside
  • Present your body to God to use
  • Resist the temptation to abuse your body
  • Don't idolize or over-pamper your body
  • Take proper care of your body - keep it clean, eat good food, sleep well, exercise etc.
Gift Jonah is a commercial system analyst who has great experience in aviation, a business woman and loves to write. 

Twitter: charminggift16
Facebook: Gift  S Jonah


  1. Yeah, rudiments to survive in planet earth...am on this!

  2. Yeah, rudiments to survive in planet earth...am on this!

  3. This is good piece, concise but really informative, keep it up and coming.

  4. Nice one Gift........looking forward to the Aviation piece.

  5. Apt and straight to the point...refreshing.

  6. nice write up. Not until we change within can we change without.
