We have all told someone this, dude when last did you have a bathe? Or know that person, that makes us cringe whenever they come close because of the way they smell.
Body odour is an often overlooked condition , medically known as bromhidrosis ,it is seen in post pubertal individuals ,its a chronic condition where excessive unpleasant odour emanates from the skin. It becomes pathologic if it becomes overpowering or affects the individuals daily activities.
Body odour is related the sweating and proliferation of bacteria present on the skin , the skin contains many sweat glands and these are spread all over the body especially the scalp,ears, armpits,breasts,genitals,anus and the feet. Two main glands the eccrine glands and apocrine glands are responsible for production of sweat and pheromones which is subtly responsible for the level of attractiveness we find in a person. Excessive sweating becomes malodorous when bacteria on the skin breaks down sweat to ammonia and butyric acids ,with their strong odours ,this is the main cause of bromhidrosis {that person whose smell drives you far might be innocent }
Causes of bromhidrosis include:
1. excessive sweating
2. obesity
3. alcohol intake
4. intake of spicy foods {garlic,onions,curry etc }
5. medical conditions {diabetes, skin infections ,hair shaft infections, hyperthyroidism etc
6.lack of proper personal hygiene
8.wearing wrong clothing{ unbreatheable fabrics}
9.sex {males are known to have a stronger odour due to testosterone production}
10. Genetics{ if your mother has B.O do not be surprised if you find yourself battling with this.
Africans and caucasians whose body features are adapted to the warm climate sweat more unlike the asians who are adapted to the cold climate and are more predisposed to having body odour.
For those experiencing this condition the following are recommended:
1. Shaving the armpits and keeping body hair trim
2. Wearing natural made fabrics {breathe able fabrics like cotton,silk and cotton}
3. Shower at least once daily and more on hot days
4. Use of anti-perspirants containing aluminium chloride I recommend rexonna
5. Use of anti-bacterial soaps especially for the armpits
6. Abstinence from alcohol,cigarette, spicy foods,caffeine
7. Exercise regularly
8. Regular check up with your doctor for underlying illnesses{ certain illnesses come with specific smells eg fruity smell in diabetics and bleach smell in liver disease patients}
9. Use of botulinium toxin { see your doctor about this}
Surgical interventions available for people who sweat excessively include Laser hair removal and waxing .
I hope this helps someone out there , please feel free to add your own tips in the comment section .
DR Izu