Saturday, 19 March 2016

The other Friday....#GoneGrey Tour

It was a beautiful day at City Fm, 105.1FM talking Gone Grey, it felt good being on the other side, having someone interview me. Great time out with Viva, the beautiful Tamara Eteimo, and Director-Sobe Charles Umeh (the gangster hands).

We took the fun out of the studio then to the beauty home #hehe, Tamara should understand this more, then to the cinema to see a certain movie but MBA, Joseph Benjamin with his marketing tongue was able to drag us to see the beautiful movie "Affairs off the heart", starring: Stella Damascus, Joseph Benjamin, Beverly Naya and a host of them. We had to support our own na *in Tamara's voice*.
More tour in the coming weeks while I prepare for my final exams as an MSC student, God help me, for every time I remember I have a big prize waiting for me if I do very well in my exams, I feel extremely gingered to read, lol.

Special thanks to those who have been supporting this movement #GoneGrey. Buy tickets ooo, for your friends, frenemies and loved ones

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Timibracelet's Special Gift

A freshers' night put together at the federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State last Friday night was lit not just because of the performances by the The Viper and Ola Dips but it was also a memorable one for one of the students who happens to be an arm candy maker (bracelet).

Days before the event, Timibracelet got in touch with The Viper via Instagram asking him how he
would want his bracelet branded. Surprisingly during his performance, he called up the young entrepreneur on stage and in his words, " I know you weren't expecting this, I have been using this but this should serve"....

Memorable one for Timibracelet, as he got his dream watch brand, lol. Kudos to the entrepreneur, more money from the arm candy.

Check out photos from the event:

Health first....

Body no be firewood, one popular African saying that is so true. We work so hard that we never take a break, never remember to breathe. 
If we agree that our bodies are not made of wood then let's try this:

1). Do a little exercise when you wake up

2). Drink water

3). Take a walk while at work

4). Drink water

5). Eat: no matter how little, never skip a meal.

6). Drink water

7). Stay happy.

The Clinic with Doc. Izu

We have all told someone this, dude when last did you have a bathe? Or know that person, that makes us cringe whenever they come close because of the way they smell.

Body odour is an often overlooked condition , medically known as bromhidrosis ,it is seen in post pubertal individuals ,its a chronic condition where excessive unpleasant odour emanates from the skin. It becomes pathologic if it becomes overpowering or affects the individuals daily activities.

Body odour is related the sweating and proliferation of bacteria present on the skin , the skin contains many sweat glands and these are spread all over the body especially the scalp,ears, armpits,breasts,genitals,anus and the feet. Two main glands the eccrine glands and apocrine glands are responsible for production of sweat and pheromones which is subtly responsible for the level of attractiveness we find in a person. Excessive sweating becomes malodorous when bacteria on the skin breaks down sweat to ammonia and butyric acids ,with their strong odours ,this is the main cause of bromhidrosis {that person whose smell drives you far might be innocent }

Causes of bromhidrosis include:

1. excessive sweating

2. obesity

3. alcohol intake

4. intake of spicy foods {garlic,onions,curry etc }

5. medical conditions {diabetes, skin infections ,hair shaft infections, hyperthyroidism etc 

6.lack of proper personal hygiene


8.wearing wrong clothing{ unbreatheable fabrics} {males are known to have a stronger odour due to testosterone production}

10. Genetics{ if your mother has B.O do not be surprised if you find yourself battling with this.

Africans and caucasians whose body features are adapted to the warm climate sweat more unlike the asians who are adapted to the cold climate and are more predisposed to having body odour.

 For those experiencing this condition the following are recommended:

1. Shaving the armpits and keeping body hair trim

2. Wearing natural made fabrics {breathe able fabrics like cotton,silk and cotton}

3. Shower at least once daily and more on hot days 

4. Use of anti-perspirants containing aluminium chloride I recommend rexonna

5. Use of anti-bacterial soaps especially for the armpits 

6. Abstinence from alcohol,cigarette, spicy foods,caffeine 

7. Exercise regularly

8. Regular check up with your doctor for underlying illnesses{ certain illnesses come with specific smells eg fruity smell in diabetics and bleach smell in liver disease patients}

9. Use of botulinium toxin { see your doctor about this}
Surgical interventions available for people who sweat excessively include Laser hair removal and waxing .

I hope this helps someone out there , please feel free to add your own tips in the comment section .

DR Izu

Monday, 14 March 2016

Choose happiness...

Happiness/ Peace of mind/ Joy/ Sanity- these are achievable. Some people alllow themselves to be controlled by others, you stay unhappy, restless, bothered because you have tied yourself around someone who derives pleasure in controlling you, someone who wants you to be happy at his/her own discretion. I call that being in PRISON and you being UNFAIR to yourself.

Choose to be happy, own yourself, loose yourself, do what makes you happy, do what your conscience allows you, forgive yourself, forgive the nest person, keep smiling, take coca cola *smiles*. Whether in a relationship or not, never trade your happiness for anything. Attract people with the happiness that radiates in you. 

Check out photos from the wedding anniversary I attended over the weekend:

P.S: Hey Fam, tickets for my first movie- GONE GREY is out, send a direct message to get your ticket and support a sister,lol. Thank you plenty.
Productive week people. #GoneGREY

No one gives up....

No matter how stormy it gets, no matter how frustrating the day gets, no matter how dry it gets, no matter how tough, no matter the disappointment, we can still start all over again. If you can read this, it means you're alive and there's hope for tomorrow. Don't give up. The world has renowned scientists, doctors, teachers, super stars, people who make impact in our lives, have you heard their stories? Have you read about them? 

You know that saying, "ROME WASN'T BUILT IN A DAY?", it is one of the truest line ever. Many of the people we celebrate today were once like you, me, us. They had it rough, they had a thousand disappointments, heartbreaks, but it never stopped them. 

Take up every day as a challenge, decide on what you want. Are you quick to chicken out at every fall? Then you need to ask yourself lots off questions. Do you want to make it? What is your purpose? Where are you headed? What do you want to achieve? You are the master of yoursellf, you can control a lot of things that happen around you. Make a decision. Take a stand. No one said it will be easy, I won't lie to you that I have the answers but I know satying focused and trusting God is one of the surest ways ever to keep you going. 

You may want to try this. No one gives up and expects to be a multi millionaire, no one gives up and wants to make a statement,NO. 

I Love You!

I want to stay alone, I want the quiet place, I want to think, I want to remember those special moments, I want to cry over the pain, the hurt, the disappointments, the fear. I want to gaze into thin air, I want to look into the mirror, talk to myself, smile, laugh and cry again.

I once loved and now I am at it again, twice have I loved and now in full swing, with daily happiness, not sure I'm dreaming, I'm loving every single day, what would people say? Do I care? It's about my happiness. I want to wake up each day not regretting a thing, not angry, not cursing. I know, I'm certain I am with the right person. I feel the whole zoo in my belly, this has got to be real, this has got to be the last busstop, right? YES.

I have searched far and wide, I have met a few. I have experimented, I am tired, my patience, my precious time. I think I found me my PRINCE. I want to be with him I want to share those moments. I want to be happy with him, I want to gaze at his picture when he is not there. I want to brag about someone to genuine friends. I want to be on the other side of the phone with a flattery face, with a puppy face. I want to say YES to the question. I want tohave a bulge infront of me, with his offspring. I can. We can. I want to say "I LOVE YOU".

Movie Reminder

Hey Fam,

Tickets for the movie- GONE GREY, my first movie is out and ready. I'm so excited about this. Send me a message on: or call: 07063460055.

Venue: Film House, Surulere

Time: 4pm

Date: 17th April, 2016

Let's support the movement, use the hash tag #GoneGrey on your social media. And tag me on facebookk: Clare Ezeakacha and Instaagram: @clarebellz 
Thank you so much for your support. Beautiful week ahead Fam and don't forget to check in tomorrow for another Clinic Lecture with Doc. Izu