Tuesday, 27 December 2016

My 2016...

The year started really scary for me, doubts set in, fear I couldn't put to control. There were so many questions I needed to ask myself and my God, a hundred and one question came up in a second. How I came over the fear, I can't explain, how I moved from that spot-I can't explain, how I made a big move- I can't explain. But I moved from that spot in a very big way, I had smiles and then laughter, I had dreams that were put into play, it became a reality. This year paved way for so many things, it gave me opportunities, it made me meet awesome people, it made me show my strength, it made me know my strength, it taught me patience, it taught me love. This year has given me a trailer load of energy to do more and to do better than I did this year.

It will be an amazing 2017. Thank you 2016. Thanks to all who made the year worth the while. Thanks to my family. Thanks to my friends. Thanks to those who support the brand and believe in me. Thanks to you. I am grateful.

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