Saturday, 28 November 2015


For the Ed Sheeran lovers, i've got a great cover by Stan Iyke whose rendition would blow your mind. If you've never listened to any of his songs please click below and listen to "Darling" featuring Tiwa Savage then take time out and listen to the "Thinking out Loud" cover.

IG: @iamstaniyke
TWITTER: @iamstaniyke




Compliments of the season Fam

The beautiful season is here again, Christmas. Jingle bells, gift hampers, holiday trips, end of year discounts, family re-union, etc. Take advantage of this period and get awesome gifts for loved ones, colleagues, your workers, friends....
Beautiful hampers from Esty's Hampers are filled with necessary home needs and wants. All you need do is, place a call and get it delivered anywhere in lagos.
Oh well, if you have no one to buy for, nicely ask for my address *smiles

Best Ideas On Making A Long Distance Relationship Work

Many people believe that long distance relationships are never going to work out. Your family may discourage it, and some of your best friends may advise you not to take it too seriously, in case you get disappointed.
Nobody says it is going to be easy — the extra distance makes many things unachievable. Things could get complicated, and you could get sad and lonely at times. However, the extra distance also makes the simplest things the sweetest, being able to hold the other person’s hand, eating together at the same table, feeling each other’s touch, taking a walk together, smelling each other’s hair… these small wishes could suddenly mean so much more in a long distance relationship.
Long distance relationship may be tough but it has its own surprises too. To keep your love alive and strong, here are some tips to make your long distance relationship work:

1. See it as an opportunity.
Both of you need to be clear with what you expect of each other during this long distance relationship. Set some ground rules so that none of you will do things that will take the other party by surprise. For instance, are you two exclusive? Is it alright for the other person to go on dates? What is your commitment level? It’s better to be open with each other about all these things.
2. Try to communicate regularly, and creatively.
Greet each other “good morning” and “good night” every day — this is a must. On top of that, try to update your partner on your life and its happening, however mundane some of the things may seem. To up the game, send each other pictures, audio clips and short videos from time to time. By putting in this kind of effort, you make the other person feel loved and attended to.
3. Talk dirty with each other.
Sexual tension is undoubtedly one of the most important things between couples. Sexual desire is like a glue that keeps both parties from drifting apart. Not only is sex a biological need, it is an emotional one as well. Keep the flames burning by sending each other teasing texts filled with sexual innuendos and provocative descriptions. 
4. Avoid “dangerous” situations.
If you already know that going to the club or going drinking with your group of friends late at night will displease your partner, then you should either 1. Not do it or 2. Tell your partner beforehand so as to reassure him/her. Don’t be careless about this sort of matter because your partner is only going to be extra worried or extra suspicious, and of course, very upset, because you are putting him/her in a position where he/she feels extra powerless/lacking in control.
Also, It could be easy for you to fall into the trap which you, unconsciously or not, set up for yourself by “hanging out” with your office eye-candy after work, or going out with a girl or guy from your past who has been flirting with you. You need to recognize the dangers before entering into the situation. Don’t just listen to your heart. Listen to your mind too.
5. Do things together.
Play an online game together.  “Take a walk together” outside while video-calling each other (skype). Go online-shopping together, and buy each other gifts. Pray together. You really have to be creative and spontaneous about it.
6. Do similar things.
Recommend books, TV shows, movies, music, news and etc. to each other. When you read, watch and listen to the same things, you get to have more topics in common to talk about. This is a good to create some shared experiences even though you are living apart.
7. Make visits to each other.
Visits are the highlight of every long distance relationship. After all the waiting and yearning and abstinence, you finally get to meet each other to fulfill all the little things like kissing, holding hands, etc. which are all common to other couples but so very special and extra intimate for people in long distance relationships. It will be like fireworks, glitter bombs, confetti, rainbows and butterflies everywhere.
8. Have a goal in mind.
“What do we want to achieve at the end of the day?” “How long are we going to be apart?” “What about the future?” These are the questions you two need to ask yourselves. The truth is, no couple can be in a long distance relationship for forever. Eventually we all need to settle down.
So make a plan with each other. Do up a timeline, marking down the estimated times apart and times together, and draw an end goal. It is important that you two are on the same page and have the same goals. So that even if you are not living in the same space and the same timezone, both of you are still working together in the same direction towards a future that includes one another.
9. Stay honest with each other.
Talk about your feelings of fear, insecurity, jealousy, apathy, whatsoever. If you try to hide anything from your partner, that secret will sooner or later swallow you up from inside out. Don’t try to deal with things all by yourself. Be open and honest with each other. Let your partner help you and give you the support you need. it’s better to look at the problem during its initial stage than to only disclose it when it’s all too late.
10. Know each other’s schedules.
It’s helpful to know when the other person is busy and when he/she is free, so that you can drop a text or make a call at the right time. You wouldn’t want to disturb your partner when he/she is in the middle of class or halfway through a business meeting. Know the small and big events that are taking place or will take place in each other’s life e.g. college mid-terms and exams, important business trips and meetings, job interviews and etc. This is especially essential when the both of you are living in different time zones.
And yes, the waiting can be painful and you can sometimes feel lonesome but you need to remind yourself that the fruits at the end will be sweet as heaven. One good trick to staying positive is to be grateful all the time. Be thankful that you have someone to love — someone who also loves you back. Be thankful for the little things, like the hand-made letter that arrived safely in your mailbox the other day. Be thankful for each other’s health and safety.

Stop Caring about being "Nice"

I was labeled as the nice guy in the first semester in the University. Mostly, because I was shy and quiet and no one knew how to handle that so the kids at school just said I was nice, and it stuck. Looking back at this I’ve realized how detrimental it can be to hold yourself to this standard. When you focus on being nice you end up ignoring how you really feel and what you want, and you let people mistreat you because you’re too nice to tell them to stay off. I think many nice people like myself get caught up because we think we’re being good people. We believe we’re doing some kind of service to those around us by holding back our criticisms and saying something purely nice instead. 
You can have strong opinions and still be a kind person. You can stand up for yourself and still care about what someone has to say. Human beings are dynamic like that. It’s not in anyone’s best interest if you go out of your way to be nice. In fact, being nice can be detrimental to you and those around you in a number of ways.

1. Nice people are seen as indecisive or non opinionated:
 A lot of nice people won’t tell you when they don’t want to do something. Instead, they’ll deflect their opinion by saying things like, “It really doesn’t matter to me”, “I don’t care”, or “I’m open to anything”. The thing is that after consistently deferring the decision-making to the people around you, you can start to lose sight of how you actually feel. Recently, someone very close to me pointed out that I almost never done something I really want to do and that they took this as a sign of mysteriousness. They felt I was still so insecure around them that I couldn’t even answer a simple question, even after years of friendship. What was even more scary was that when I dug deep and tried to give a more direct, opinionated answer, I found I had none

2. Nice people come across as boring:
 If you’re constantly trying to only say and do nice things, rather than have opinions of your own, people may start to think of you as being passive and boring. If your friends and coworkers wanted the opinion of someone who agreed with them all the time they could simply ask a mirror. It’s important to realize that people ask for you opinions because they care about what you have to say. Whether it’s your home or professional life, you don’t want those around you to view you as boring, right? Share your true opinions with others, and they’re more likely to view you as a dynamic and unique person. 

3. Being nice means you’re more likely to be a follower, not a leader:
 A recent article I read, I found that nice people are more likely to follow orders given to them by an authority figure, even if those orders will directly hurt someone else. In the study, researchers found that people who cared more about being agreeable and nice were more likely to follow orders to administer an electric shock that would harm an innocent person (the innocent person being an actor, unknown to the participants). People who were less agreeable and more controversial by nature, however, were more likely to question the ethics of such orders and refuse to shock the innocent person. While we may think that following the whims of others is doing them a favor, you can still be a good person and stand up for what you think is right. 

4. Nice people often resent the people they’re nice to:
 Strangely enough, being nice to people all the time can actually cause you to dislike and resent the people who benefit from your niceness. Constantly defaulting to what others want to do can cause you to become stressed out, overworked, and bitter towards the people you’re helping—defeating the entire purpose of doing a kind act. Most people dislike both extremes of the spectrum—the overly selfish and the overly generous. Specifically, participants disliked the overly generous participants because they made the rest of the participants ‘look bad’. While my goal in writing this article is not to convince you that nice people are weak and that being a total grump is better for you and everyone around you, I hope it will make you consider how genuinely you express ‘nice’ acts and words. If you really mean the nice things you say and do, that’s great. But if you don’t, just say how you really feel. Everyone will be better off for it.  

Source: Tope

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

NAT 202 by El Poiz©

Hello Ladies..I'm really sorry I have been MIA(Missing In Action) for the past week..I have been under the weather.
Well...we are back for classes.
How are the kinks, curls and coils?
It would be great if you could type in progress reports in the comment box and any problems you have, I'll be glad to provide a solution.

Now, back to the manes....We've been acclimatised with the big chop, 
transitioning and the hair regimen. In the Hair Regimen section, we looked at weekly wash,things to consider when selecting a hair regimen, deep conditioning, LCO/LOC, Night time routine,. This week, we keep on the hair regimen as its a vast topic.

This is one of the things to consider when selecting a hair regimen. Its importance can not be over emphasized. Hair Type basically deals with the definition of the hair curls. Hair types range from type 2 to type 4 with sub types for each(2a,2b, 3a, e.t.c). Africans usually have the type 4 although not all. Attached above are pictures which can help you figure out your hair type. To accurately get your hair type, you would need to wet your hair as this will bring out your natural curls for easy identification.

Another consideration in selecting a hair regimen. Moisture level goes hand in hand with hair porosity. As I said in a previous class, moisturizing the hair is not an issue, retaining moisture is. Hair breakage is as a result of dry hair amongst other causes so this should highlight the importance of retaining moisture. Hair Porosity is the absorption rate of your hair or the ability of the hair to absorb moisture.

1)Low Porosity
2)Normal Porosity
3)High Porosity
Low Porosity; also called Bullet Proof, lol,or resistant. Manes with low porosity have highly compacted flat smooth cuticles which makes it difficult for moisture to get in; although once moisture does get in, its difficult to get out.

1)It takes a longer period for hair to dry when wet
2) Moisture does not get in easily; it takes a while
3)Products applied don't usually get into the hair shaft making hair look like it has a product build up
4)It does not accept hair dyes easily, dyes will need to be added more than once for effect

1)Use natural heating methods like the baggy method,GHEE cap wear(will discuss this subsequently). This will cause the cuticles to sweel and open up for moisture to get in
2)Use light oils and light creams as heavy oils will be difficult to absorb
3)Apply products on hair when hair is damp for easy absorption
4)Weekly wash and moisturizing deep conditioning is advised
5)Wash hair with warm water and rinse DC's with cold water
6)Protein DC's are advisable every 6-8 weeks

This is balanced and does not require a lot of tips for moisture retention. Cuticles are raised enough to absorb moisture .Healthy hair with normal porosity can absorb water up to 30% by weight allowing the right amount of moisture to penetrate and holds onto it well.
1)Hair absorbs moisture easily and holds it in for a long time
2)Dyes take effect at first application
3)Hardly creates products build-ups if products are used in the right proportion.
1.Protein treatments best once in every month
2.Light oils and products are advised
3.Weekly wash and deep conditioning.

Have a lovely week Ladies, looking forward to progress reports.

Stay beautiful and Natural.

El Poiz©

Time to share that "moment"

For me, a lot has happened this year, but if I am to pick just one, it would be my mum's  successful retirement.

Our Woman Crush Wednesday (WCW)

Beautiful Layefa Wokoro who always saw herself in the spotlight but wasn't sure how to go about it. She had boxes of make-up, was clueless on what to do about it or how to make fun and create happiness out of these boxes. While in school, her third year precisely, she decided to go for a professional make up class. She started from a mini class and later upgraded to the professional level. She came in contact with a tour artist during her NYSC days and completed her classes with a touch of perfection. 

For the beautiful Layefa, it is not about the money because it's not the driving force. She says it's fun playing with colours. 

We love the beautiful Layefa and wish her well in her smooth journey.

IG: @layefawokoro

Monday, 23 November 2015

The new talent I found....Mr. Cee

Covenant Godwin, aka,  Mr.Cee started singing at age10. He started his professional music in 2002 with his first single hit "Breathe" at Jos in 2009, he made his first tv appearance with Mnet Naija sings were he finished at the top ten. He is also signed with Ark records. He performed at the Miss independance Nigeria at Abuja for the 2015 edition. He is currently a student of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, a final year student of  International Relations. He just released his first debut album "Under Cover ", October this year with one of his hit songs,  "Ihe ga eme".
He also plays the guitar well. He believes in Nigeria and prays for unity and peace. #PrayForNigeria


Facebook: Covenant Godwin
Twitter: @I_AM_Mr.Cee

10 things you should never do during a job interview

Here are 10 things you should never do in an interview.

1. Don't Arrive Unprepared

Take time to learn about the company and the position you're applying for. Gathering a few basic facts shows motivation and will help you know what questions to ask later. Also, prepare by bringing along extra copies of your resume or CV; some interviewers may be pulled in at the last moment and appreciate your forethought.

2. Don't Show Up Late

No surprise here; don't show up late to a job interview. In fact, pad your schedule by 20–30 minutes just in case the train is running late or you can't find a parking spot. Arriving to an interview five to 10 minutes early is completely acceptable and gives you time to mentally prepare.

3. Don't Leave Your Phone On

If your phone rings during a job interview, you'd better hope there's an HR director on the other end of the line with a smokin' hot offer. Ringing cell phones and formal job interviews don't mix. As unnatural as it may feel, completely silence or turn your phone off during an interview (and remember, vibrating phones can still be heard and are still a distraction).

4. Don't Sit Down Before You're Invited

Sometimes small courtesies can make a big impression. It's good business etiquette to not sit down until you've been invited or shown to your seat.

5. Don't Slouch

It may sound terribly old-fashioned, but posture matters. Standing tall and sitting up straight not only conveys a sense of maturity and experience to others, it can boost your self confidence.

6. Don't Talk Trash

Be honest, but stay positive when it comes to discussing your previous or current employer. The world is smaller than most of us imagine and it's impossible to know the personal or professional connections your interviewer may have.

7. Don't Talk Money

Don't talk money unless you're asked, or an offer has been extended. A premature focus on money and benefits sends the wrong message to your potential employer.

8. Don't Mumble

Hold your head up, speak clearly, and make eye contact. Employers shouldn't have to work to hear you and mumblers don't come across as capable, confident employees. Remember, good communication is a skill you can learn. 

9. Don't Up Talk

Up-talking is that annoying linguistic habit of phrasing statements as if they were questions ("I really enjoy my current position, but I think I'm ready for something more challenging?"). Up-talking implies you're unsure of what you're saying, need approval, and lack confidence. Sure, it seems like everyone is doing it, but up-talking is still the verbal equivalent of nails on a chalkboard.

10. Don't Skip the Questions

Your interviewer is likely to ask if you have any questions about the role or the company. Don't be shy. Speaking up shows that you're interested and have been listening.

Culled from

Man Crush Monday (MCM)

My name is Edozie Peter chigozie. aka Peejay Edozie 
I attended St Martin catholic school lagos then continued at St Feliz seminary lol, weird right? and holy infants high school both in Delta State. A graduate of English literature from the University of Nigeria. Super lion tinz lol.
As much as I would not like to say I started singing from d choir, I actually started singing from the choir in school before 2009 when I first worked with OJB on my first recording and 2010 when I got signed by Serengeti music alongside Godwon..

My major motivation in music was Tu face idibia. People always said we had a striking resemblance but for me it was his expression and originality..Next was P Square, they were just too good at the music business and made beautiful music so I decided to work hard to also make my mark in the industry.
 Music and school are two opposing spirits. It wasn't easy facing both so I had to focus on school while I followed up on the other, because  school was just four years but music is forever.  I must admit I had a good time performing in school as I was one of the major music acts in school at the time. Ask anybody!!! Lol..
My very first song ,Wiper , was done out of the desire to show the world how good I was. I wanted to be different and unique and it felt good, though I  did not  promote it as much but it was loved by everyone who ever listened and the reception was amazing.

Let us pray for Nigeria.....Mama T speaks

A friend and a colleague, Mama T of Lageli Fm, Ibadan,  put up this on her Instagram page and I totally agree.  Let us pray for our country Nigeria and the world at large.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Somebody knows by Eli J

Enjoy good music by Eli J (Mr.Fix It)

I used to think Nobody knows(Nobody knows) Nobody knows ma name(Nobody knows) Nobody knows what today holds(Nobody knows) Nobody knows tomorrow(Nobody knows) I used to think Nobody knows(Nobody knows) Nobody knows what my future holds(Nobody knows) Nobody cares even if I live or die(Nobody knows) Nobody knows what I'm going through(Nobody knows) Then I found out That Somebody knows(Somebody knows) Somebody knows ma name(Somebody knows) Somebody knows what I dreamt about last night(Somebody knows) Somebody knows tomorrow(Somebody knows) Somebody knows(Somebody knows) Somebody knows all I put in(Somebody knows) Somebody knows about ma sleepless nights(Somebody knows) Somebody knows even when nobody knows(Somebody knows) Somebody knows when you're crying Those hurt and pain inside Questions that you need answers to Somebody knows
Somebody knows all that you need That's why he sent him to you So you'll only have Joy inside Feel peace inside And answers to the questions in your mind Somebody knows You have all dt u need!(ahhhh ahh ah)
Cos' Somebody knows (Interlude) Somebody knows(Somebody knows) Somebody knows your name(Somebody knows) Somebody knows all you put in(Somebody knows) Somebody knows what you do everyday (Somebody knows)ay-ay Somebody knows(Somebody knows) Somebody knows all all all (Somebody knows)all that you did Somebody knows (Somebody knows) You see you're important you can't die no more
(Somebody knows) Somebody knows when you're crying Those hurt and pain inside Questions that you need answers to Somebody knows Somebody knows all that you need That's why he sent him to you So you'll only have Joy inside Feel peace inside And answers to the questions in your mind Somebody knows
Cos You have all dt u need!(Ahhh Ahh Ah) Cos' Somebody knows Outro:
Somebody knows I know somebody who knows 
Don't leave, whatever it is
I call him Mr. Fix it… Yeah! Jesus knows Yes Jesus knows all you do Jesus knows Jesus knows


The magic that comes with smilling...

While waiting for the youngest of the brothers to be through with his scholarship exams yesterday, I decided to take a stroll and get a bottle of coca cola (the ideal drinks for happy people)lol, I found myself in a fun park for kids, I got in, asked if I could buy a drink and may be something to chew to save a life. Luckily they had not just something to chew but more than enough to chew. 

Oh well I reached out for the respected brand coca cola, ordered for a plate of chcken and chips (bestie's favourite meal), then walked towards the little dinning set they had, I took a seat beside a "grey-haired man" who at first sight looked like a professor, I sat beside him, exchanged pleasantries and concentrated on my phone (my office), 10 minutes passed and he asked what I ordered for, I smiled and told him it was chicken and chips and he said he ordered for same and wondered why it was taking eternity to get to him, with just that conversation brought more talks, I found out he was the head of forestry research, Ibadan, in less than five minutes, I knew more than enough, and yipee it was my turn, oh, I did not hesitate to dish out all about myself, with my diction on point, I even heard myself putting punctuation marks, just to show you how proper I sounded *smiles*.  

And in barely twenty minutes, a number was dialled, conversation that took place during the phone call landed me a feature movie voice over. As an igbo girl na, I had to play some of my recent voice overs just to boost my selling point.

In all of these, a simple smile and few minutes of being friendly and open can land you a big contract or the right person. No matter what it is, always afford a SMILE. It happens to be one of the cheapest things ever. 


Happy Sunday Fam.