Saturday, 23 January 2016

About Wedding Graces...

So my friend and colleague has a beautiful blog that talks about everything wedding, please check it out.

Wedding Graces is a wedding blog that covers weddings online and live(Concierge Services) displays pre and post wedding photos of couples and gives tips for weddings, engagements, bachelorette and honeymoon,as a team we follow you from start to the finish and make sure we have you covered on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the blog. Much more than the blog, we also help Brides do their shopping and negotiate prices with wedding vendors which is a herculean task for most Brides.

Contact us on: 
Facebook: wedding graces. 

Twitter:@weddinggraces. Instagram: @weddinggraces

Phone: 234-802-397-3399.‎

The kind of people to run away from

Happy weekend Fam, hope the week turned out fruitful, and if it did not, take a chill, you'll have better opportunities. I know this.
So here is a list of the kind of people I run from:
1. People who do not in any way mind their business

2. Opportunists: those who stylishly stick around just for a favour and bounce when the chips are gone.

3. Dull people: I feel this should be my number one. Really sad when people can make reasonable contributions and really stay empty in their comfort zones.

4. The naysayers: those who constantly say negative words, "it won't work", "I doubt you can make it",etc.

5. The judgemental set: do or don't, this set of people have a unique attribute of judging everything you set out to do.

6. The jealous ones: oh, a majority of these kind of people are supposed to be comfortable and living good but envy the very little thing the next person has.

7. Those who say at the airport: "please, let me use your kg", mtchew, awon ayè (world people

8. Those girls who put "r" in God, and use "as in" in every single sentence #hehe

9. Those who are experts in "colonizing" other peoples' friends.

Here are a few from my friends:

10. Timipre runs from: saddist, gossips, envious and greedy people.

11. Busta runs from fake peop

12. Hardy Chinedu Nwadike (oTown Gist) runs from dull people, he says he can't stand them. It's totally wrong not to have small sense, just small. Haha

13. Fancie a very fine good bad guy that I know, lol. He says he'd run from people like me 'cos the fear of Clare is the beginning of wisdom. I drop my golden pen here.

14. Le bestie, Sophie saays she runs from negative and wicked people.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Cheers to the rising star...Oscar Chukwuebuka

My name is Chukwu Oscar Chukwuebuka also known as OSCKIDO(‎datghenghenboy), lol. A native of Ezioha Mgbowo in Awgu Local Government Area of ‎Enugu State.

Growing up was a very interesting and educating part of my life. I grew up ‎in a family of 3 boys and twin girls, that gave me lots of responsibilities which made me who I am today. Growing ‎up in a medium density area in Enugu, Uwani precisely nurtured my ‎character, way of life, knowledge and my 
interactions with people.

 I had my nursery education at YWCA day care center / nursery school, ‎Uwani, Enugu after which I moved up to WTC primary school ,Ogui, new layout, ‎Enugu for my elementary studies. Then my junior secondary at ‎Government Technical College Enugu, I didn’t continue there because I ‎wanted to go 
into medical profession, I moved on to Command Day Secondary ‎School Enugu where I completed my senior secondary education. I got ‎admission into Enugu State University of Science and Technology where I ‎finally studied Estate management from 2010-2015.

 I have been in love with music from childhood when i choreographed songs of famous artistes and I also danced at birthday parties to entertain ‎people. In 2006, I started recording music with a group we formed back then ‎known as DA TRIZZAS, “party on tonight” was our first single. I went solo in
2009 when I collaborated with another group called SKY mcs ‎(Stormcity,Klasik & Young Bobby)  and we dropped a single produced by the ‎producer behind  “ASA NWA by Flavour” called Lord Cornel, the song is ‎titled ‘STREET PARTY”, in this particular song I showed my ability to sing ‎and rap and it brought my skills out to the limelight. I followed up closely ‎with another single featuring a well know hip-life singer Funny Dawg in a ‎song produced by Wizboyy titled “I LIKE IT” in 2010. In 2012 I dropped ‎a techno rhythm dance track produced by Ak Browne titled “THE GIRL IN RED”, ‎then I got the name, Mr. Red Gown. This song was on top of the chart in‎ Raypower105.3 fm as at then. The big one was in 2013, ‎now with more knowledge about the industry and music itself, I released a ‎single produced by Ak Browne  titled “TAKE ME” as the name sounds, I threw ‎myself out for the world to invest in my skills like Take Me!!! Lol… but ‎the song has a different story line all together. I performed in many shows
in the south east but the biggest one was the ENUGU ROAD BLOCK 4. 
In 2014, ‎the “GHEN GHEN YEAR” haha! I released a single on May 17th my birthday ‎produced also by Ak Browne titled “GHEN GHEN”. This was how I got the name ‎“Dat ghen ghen boy” customized T-Shirts and made a ghenghen dance. This was
and is still a hit up till now.
The year 2015 was my year of graduation from ESUT, so ‎I gave my music a break till I finished my degree exams then I released a ‎single towards October ending, produced by Jazz Wheezy titled “THANK YOU ‎LORD”, which happens to be a true life thanksgiving song for God’s goodness & mercy 
on ‎my life and my family, friends & fans for supporting me always. ‎I had the opportunity to perform at Deejay Rave 2015, Guinness beer ‎carnival, Mr & Miss Tourism Enugu 2015, all events at FULL HOUSE BAR & ‎GRILL, Street carnivals and lots more.

 I am inspired by anything happening around me because I can easily ‎make a song out of anything. Legends & superstars like 2face idibia, ‎Michael Jackson, Wizkid, Brenda Fassie, Sisqo, Joe, Craig David, Ja rule, ‎Fabulos, Mariah Carey, etc,  inspired me through their music.

The Nigeria music industry has grown massively in the world, except the ‎fact that we still need investors to help discover fresh talents with different ‎sounds.‎

I look forward to doing a collaboration with Solid Star or Timaya for Ghen Ghen remix ‎by God’s grace.

 In the next 5 years I see myself signing a record contract with
Sony Entertainment network and many other endorsement deals, nothing wrong with dreaming big,yeah?‎

 I believe in hard work, honesty and prayers. If it wasn’t music, i‎
will just be an artist because I love drawing. A career in real estate is ‎not a bad idea too. My relaxation time is very important to me because ‎that’s when most of the inspiration come in. I like staying indoors, seeing ‎movies or listening to music while on social network.

 This year will be a great year for me, so you should expect my new ‎music video and collaboration with a super star.

  Finally, my advice to young talents venturing into the music

*  Make prayer a habit and hard work a hobby

*  Be humble and patient.

* Get recommendation from known deejays or OAPs before you release any song ‎to the public.‎



IG: @osckido_official
Facebook: Osckido Ebuka Chukwu
Fb Page: Osckido

How to have a healthy long distance relationship...

Culled from Everyday Feminism
Whether you and your loved one are three hours away or three time zonesaway, you are in a long-distance relationship.

Chances are, you have already Googled such phrases like “making it work long distance” and “long distance cheating.” L‎ong distance relationships are tough. Whoever told you that long distance relationships are easy lied to you.
On the flipside, you also should not believe the naysayers: Not all long distance relationships fail.

Here are some tips:

1. Talk about Your Future before Discussing a Future Together

This is very important. (That’s why it’s the first piece of advice. Do this first.)
Where do you see yourself in the near future, both geographically and professionally? Do you want to get married and have children? Do you want to go backpacking in America for a year when you turn thirty? Do you foresee some huge life-changing (and wallet-depleting and socially draining) event like law school in the future? You have to know that other person – like, really know that person.
When all you have is a voice at the other end of the phone, you need to know who that person is and everything they want to be, because that will hold you together at the end.
For a lack of better words, you need to know that they are “worth it.”
Next, when will the long distance end? It is important to have a finish line in sight, because you need to look forward to an end.

2. Trust One Another and Communicate Often

This sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s not.
Long distance relationships can make you irrational and suspicious.
Because you can’t see the other person on a regular basis. Hell, even people in close-proximity relationships have trust issues. Long distance only magnifies these fears.
Trust is the knowledge that the other person cares deeply for you. This other person cares so much for you that they will never intentionally hurt you. Trust sounds a lot like blind faith, but I think it is a two-way street, and it starts with communicating often.

3. Travel to New Places Together

This piece of advice was born from necessity. Neither one of you lives there, so you’re not thinking about work, laundry, chores, and so on.
Most importantly, traveling builds your“relationship muscle.” In other words, traveling can help your relationship grow further.

4. Celebrate (and Evaluate) Your Relationship on a Regular Basis

Here’s the celebration I promised, but I snuck in that evaluation part.
Celebrating your relationship isn’t just about going out to dinner every month and saying “Hey, we’re still together! Happy Four Months!” 
Celebration is about not taking each other for granted.  In a long distance relationship, it is important to celebrate all the good in your relationship. This means explicitly having a conversation about how you appreciate the other person and how they enrich your life.
On the flip side, these milestones are also opportunities to evaluate your relationship.
Inspired by POTUS, we call this the“State of the Relationship”conversation.
Ask each other: When was the last time we argued? What was it about? How could we have prevented it? How can we grow from our experiences and support one another? What are our goals for the near future? How can we, together, be better people? 

Because in any healthy relationship, you should be honest and communicative, be open about your futures, support each other to be better people, and celebrate/evaluate your relationship on a regular basis.
Distance should not change that.

My own kinda poem

A mix of sweet and bitter taste.
A heavy heart I carry‎
The hot and cold feel
You have no idea that my heart is in denial,

My happiness is gradually fading as I walk in this world.
The thoughts in my head have me wishing I had all sorted out in a blink.
Everything I once dreamed of seems like a mirage, it keeps fading.

I'm gradually drawing away from the sun.
My days are so long with the burden, I want to see it drop each day but it's been adamant.
I put up a smile like I'm having a performance at the Headies.
But I question myself to ask if I put up this act just to hold on or save a face.
 Sometimes I wake up at midnight, and wonder to myself if the morning will be that morning when I go back to my old happy self.
I wonder if the little things in life that made me who I am, will come back to put a smile on my face.
I wonder if I will fully find that peace and love I desire.
I also wonder who will eventually put that spark in my life again, will it be now or later?
I want to hold on tight to something that would make me go back to my amazing ME.‎
I want to confidently own a thing/person and have right over it/him.‎
‎I want to loose myself completely.
I want to feel that yesterday is better than today and will be better than tomorrow, not so much to ask for....‎

A little something from Joel Osteen

The Great I Am
We serve a great and mighty God! He is the Creator of the universe, the one who spoke the worlds into existence. He’s called the Great I AM, and He’s saying today, “I am everything you need. I am your strength. I am your wisdom. I am your protection. I am your provider. I am your way maker. I am your problem solver. I am your dream giver. I am your victory!”
David put it this way in Psalm 138, “Though I am surrounded by troubles, You will bring me safely through. Your fist is clenched against my enemies. Your power will save me.” Maybe you feel like David today. You’re surrounded by all kinds of difficulties. You’re tempted to just settle right where you are. You need to get your fire back! Instead of focusing on how big your problems are, focus on how big your God is! He is everything you need. He is the Great I AM, and He is the one leading and guiding you into victory in every area of your life!‎

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

And who says miracles don't happen...

Ninety percent of the ladies I have met are worried over the no marriage issue, well most of them because of age, family pressure, peer group pressure, I see no reason why this should be much of a problem, if you ask me. The thoughts would come no doubt but letting it be a burden is what I won't subscribe to, nope, not at all. Channel your energy to work on your self, personality and attitude. Worry less on every Saturday weddings that go on, worry less on posts you see and read on Bella Naija. Enjoy your single days, be happy with yourself, the right person will come at the right time. You don't want to be part of the early divorcee, unhappy wife.

I met a 42 year old lady over the weekend who still believes that she will get her husband and children. So biko, you young ladies hold the break button biko.

And now this picture shows a woman who got married at 43 and gave birth at 60.

Our WCW, Sylvia Tammy Briggs aka, MAMA T

Meet the Rivers born OAP, Big, Bold and Beautiful.

1. What's your name?  ‎
Sylvia Tammy Briggs (Mama t)‎
2. Let's start from the very beginning, how was growing up? 
Growing up for me truthfully wasn't too fun,  I had a very strict mum that was so protective that i didn't get the opportunity to play or gist with kids my mate but then it helped at building a very strong bond between my mum, Nengi and myself.  They were and still the first and best friends I have. ‎
3. Educational background? 
I did my primary and secondary school in Port Harcourt (Bereton Montessori school and king of kings academy), I left Port Harcourt in 2004 for Enugu state where I attended the Institute of management Science and Technology(IMT) and Enugu State University of Science and Technology. 
4. When did you consider this path?
 It wasn't planned. I had always wanted to be a barrister and practice law or be an actress.  Radio just happened then because I didn't want to stay idle at home but I am loving every bit of it now. 
5. How has the media been? ‎
Tough, challenging, crazy but sweet at same time
6. Where have you worked? ‎
Solid fm Enugu but now with Lagelu fm/Splash FM Ibadan
7. What kind of program do you run on radio? 
I run a pidgin belt from 12 noon - 5pm Monday through Friday..  It's a live phone in program that I get to talk to people and get their contribution about politics and issues that concern our day to day lives and living. 
8. How do you get feedback from people? 
I get feedback from my social media platforms and calls too. On twitter and instagram @solidmamat.  Facebook - officialsolidmamat

9. Do you feel anyway different now compared to when you were not an OAP ?
Definitely. I don't get to be carefree anymore and being conscious of the fact that we are always in the public eye, where we people get to commend you or curse the  hell outta you,  haba you sef you sabi how the thing dey be, but you just gats wear smile for your fans and friends. 
10. What has been the major challenge so far? 
Leaving Enugu for Ibadan and making sure I still stay relevant, be on top of my game, content wise so I no go fall my employers hand and of course  my listeners and fans. 
11. As an OAP, how would you rate the performance of the Nigerian artiste? 
They are getting there, we have more of artistes than musicians/entertainers that do more of songs than music. Me no fit sing to save my life sef lol! 
12. What makes you fulfilled as an OAP? 
The fact that I get to talk to people about issues they go through and try to help out in my own little way.  Basically giving voice to the voiceless gives me joy and fulfilment. 
13. What would you rather do if it wasn't radio? 
14. How do you relax? ‎
Movies, playing table tennis and I love my bed sha
15. What do we expect from you this new year? 
Better Mama T, more humanitarian work for me this year even though I have been doing it on a low-key but currently cooking something, u go be the first to know when the thing done. 

16. Have you featured in any movie? And do we watch out for new ones? 
No I haven't, but you should watch out for crazy skits and short comedy clips with me and a colleague Dr warri connect
17. Describe yourself in one word 
18. What made your 2015 amazing? 
Getting a new job and moving to Oyo state after staying in Enugu for 11yrs, trust me, from where I am coming from it is the most amazing thing that happened to me.. Am still Nwa 042 though because that state made me. 

Thank you so much Clare and to your Clarexpression team, make una continue dey do the good work.  God bless‎

Twitter & IG: @solidmamat
Facebook: officialsolidmamat

A note to self...

I don't know what your personal note says to you, but I urge you to PRAY at all times. It's a perfect key to unlock all doors. I'm so certain that a trial will convince you.
Good morning Fam. Beautiful day people.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016


How one person can have all these attributes is what I don't understand, nawa o.

  • Beauty
  • Brains
  • Young DNA
  • Class, etc.
  • "Awesome-ism" (I am allowed to create my own words, #hehe)

Genevieve slays in every way.

Quote of the day, lol

I found this...

It gets even more interesting with Donald Trump. Serious plans he has got ooo, hian.

Your Faith...

Good morning Fam, let your faith guide you. Read up Luke 17 vs 5 and talk in faith, move your mountains with faith.
It will be a good day. Keep your head up.

Monday, 18 January 2016

A message of hope...

To someone who feels his case is hopeless, this video encourages you to stay strong and know that your case isn't hopeless, the situation is only kidding.
Hope your name is going pretty well? #Focus

Our MCM and his testimony

MEET Oluwasegun Bisiryu, aka, KingsKid, our Man crush Monday

I grew up in a family of three children and being the first child and only boy, it wasn't easy.‎ I grew up in a rough neighbourhood in Mushin, so you can agree with me that it wasn't easy but it was sure fun, dangerous fun.

Then, my father worked with Oodua groups, the Pepsi Cola Company. He wasn't the Daddy kind of father, he was just okay, he had a good job, he had a car, but cared less 
for the home.... but there is ONE thing i am eternally grateful for, that is sending me to one of the best private schools in Mushin (Twins Day Nursery and Primary School) now Susan Martins school.

i was introduced to a lot of dangerous things in the early days of my life, street uncles will come take me to their hideouts where they shared stolen money and other items, they smoked cannabis, cocaine and gbana( as they call it) but My Parents were strict disciplinarians so the thought of what they would do to me was a guideline already and the beginning of wisdom,lol.‎

i remember vividly, one certain day i was playing "mummy and daddy" with a particular girl called Bilikisu at the backyard and one of my aunts caught us, that blackmailing was never ending. (my childhood memories)‎

In 1991, we moved away from Mushin because as at then, pepsi cola liquidated and we moved to our own apartment in Ikotun, in ikotun i was already in primary four and we had to change school because of the distance and the deadly Lagos traffic.

I forgot to mention, all through my stay in Mushin i was top in my class and always got awards every end of the year party for overall best in English, Mathematics and moral

In IKotun, i kept doing the same, displacing the current champion in my class and when i went for my common entrance examinations, i picked kings college for my first choice and FGC meiran and i was given slots for both school as i came out excellent, as fate would have it, i ended up in a private secondary school on my street, St. Francis Catholic Secondary School, did my JSS1 and 2 there before they did a 100% increament in school fees,my father said, in his words:  "no, i cant pay that" and i was moved to a public secondary school where i did not regret i attended, Ikotun High 

Ikotun High school was a learning ground cos that was where i actually learnt how to speak yoruba, i can remember my first day there and i started speaking phonetics and everyone in the school was like urgh! they communicate in Yoruba language, even teachers use yoruba to explain lol, but Ikotun HIgh school was a great experience. i met a while lot of interesting people there and had my first heartbreak there

When I was done with secondary school,I had to re write Mathematics. Things became tougher, dad told us there was on means to continue as he wasn't working again and had no money.  I got a small thing to do and earned #4500, that was nothing to go with as my sister was doing a job with lesser salary. My mother was just a tailor in the house. The tribulations started, we barely had two meals a day.

i was given so many opportunities including AFF(Advanced Fee Fraud) popularly called yahoo yahoo now, but my upbringing and my christian faith did not allow me do that. we waited on God, we prayed, we fasted, we worked for God, i was a Chorister, a youth coordinator, an interpreter in my church then.
One very fateful day, after we had nothing for two straight days, a tenant in my father's house went to badagry and bought smoked fish, he removed the heads cos he never 
liked eating head of fish, so my sisters asked the man for the fish to feed our dog, the guy obliged them, they brought the fishe and stared eating and that brought hot tears to my eyes. that was a saturday morning and on sunday morning, i threw myself on the floor, crying and praying to God, my mother and sisters joined in and that was when the latter came in.‎
I challenged God, I worked for Him, I prayed, three months after, i got a job with SLOT and since then, our lives have been transformed dramatically and we all have graduated from school, I, Computer science, my younger sis, B. Tech, estate management.

IG: @kingskid00 

A great week ahead...

A new week is upon us, it will be a good for us. A favoured and blessed week.  Let's have a new strategy, pull out from whatever it is that will cause you pain or worries. Be confident, position yourself where people will see you and know your value, same way Zaccheus positioned himself to see Jesus.
Beautiful week ahead Fam.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Happy birthday to LOJ PHOTOGRAPHY

1. Your name? State
My name is Olarewaju Peter Olajide,Am from Osun state (Ilesa Precisely)

2. How was growing up?
I was born in Niger state-Bida,Dad travelled around a lot so i lived in few states before we finally moved to Lagos when I was 4..(I have been in Lagos ever since...Lol)

3. Educational background?
My elementary education was at Okto nursery and primary school New oko oba and then to State High school (Fomerely  progress college. New oko oba.) Attended Olabisi Onabanjo University.Ago-Iwoye where I studied biological sciences and then to Open University where I switched field to Information & Communication technology-Am a softie for computers

4. When did you start photography? What does photography mean to you?
I started photography way back in the uni with my small Kodak digital camera.I would document my departmental field trips with my little camera and make videos so I could revisit those moments and sometimes punk' my friends with em...Colleagues then in school loved what I was doing and more than once they traded money for their 
pictures.Other departments eventually approached me to also help document their field trips...& That pulled me deeper into photography;that was how it started for me.
After school,I got a job immediately but that still didn't stop the passion I had for photography.Photography professionally kicked off 2years after service year and we still here.
What Photography means to me??Photography to me is a form of Art,and I intend to create my own art.

5. What inspired you?
Hummmmnnn...The fact that I can trap time and document memories was my primary inspiration!Pictures are the only thing that can take us back in time-(in a way we photographers have super powers...shey u know??)

6. What aspect of photography do you deal in?
Weddings mainly, Portrait,Product and Fashion(looking to explore landscape in the nearest future)

7. What inspires your shots?
The serenity of the environment am shooting in,the lightning and my subject

8. How long have you been in the business and how far gone are you?
I have been shooting wedding professionally for 3years now..i have leveraged on different Platforms and invested so much in the business that's it's shot me another 5 years ahead of where am suppose to be.

9. What do you intend to do with photography in 5 years? 5years??*looking at the sky with a wide grin*Chill and see first now'

10. What big plans do you have for the new year?
I have been pulled in by an NGO about giving talks to empower youth in Africa,this might take me across few Africa countries for talks and workshops in Photography ( 1 of the things I have always dreamt about-Impacting lives creatively)

11. What is your philosophy?
Imagine a world without fear??Our possibility would becomes endless

12. Photography or???

13. Who would you want to work with,in terms of photoshoot?
TyBello, Big Henry, Kelechi Amadi, Akintayotimi,Aham Ibeleme,Said Mhamad and prince Meyson among others.

14. What makes you different from other photographers?
Every photographer have their own signature unconsciously branded to their's hard to explain but it's just always there -u can call it Psychic'

15. How do you relax?
If am not in my bed catching up on what's going on in the music industry-9ja music ooooo, am at the cinemas*eyes glued on the wide screen & my hand going back&forth in pop corn quietly placed on my laps*

16. What can't you do without?
Obviously God!God brought me this far.i can let go off anything but him

17. Advice to the young talents...
Find that edge and explore it,u are different from everyone,show us that' (spend less time appreciating other great photographers work-Draw inspiration from them,don't mirror them!Create your own style;you can do this,but above all u need focus&persistence!!!)

We at Clarexppresions wish him a beautiful day and pray for grace, good health, long life and prosperity. We love you Blad.