Saturday, 16 January 2016

He is strong in you by Joel Osteen

Sometimes, people get distracted by what they consider to be a disadvantage or weakness in their lives. It may be something about their personality or looks that they don’t like. Or, maybe they’ve been through an unfair situation: a divorce, a bad business deal or a bad break. We all have things that can feel like disadvantages, things that make it harder on us. It may even be a physical handicap.
But just because you have a “disadvantage,” just because you’ve been through a tough time doesn’t mean you’re supposed to sit back and settle where you are. God still has something great for you to do! He wants to show Himself strong in and through you. The Holy Spirit wants to help you when you feel weak. Stay in faith and let God take what you see as a disadvantage and turn it around to an advantage so you can move forward into the abundant life He has for you!‎

Just for laughs...

Stumbled on this while on Instagram. Some peeps have got no chills sha.

Le Bestie's wedding...

I did not have the opportunity to write about Sophie's wedding last Saturday as I was literally her "Maid", lol. It was my first duty as a maid of honour and I was totally excited about it, my dress, my shoes, my hair...everything was on fleek, though I had some cold moments due to personal battles. But thank goodness I am way above it.

A night before was the bridal shower organised by her friends, big ups to Lola and Abigail. It was fun with the girls especially with one of the power puff girls who asides her day's job as an IT analyst, takes pictures for a living, Jaybaby as she is fondly called.

The morning after started off really great with Abigail's touch on my face, my hair and pictures.

Sophie looked exceptionally awesome from her dress to the facials, to her hair, to her shoes, to the beautiful dress. The train was beautiful too, lovely dress, lovely ladies and good looking grooms men.

I loved the fact there were lots of food to go round, no one standing up and asking for food or running for souvenirs, it was indeed a good day.

Happy married life to the new couple and hope they enjoy their stay in Dubai as they "honey moon".‎

Books I want to write

There are couple of books I have written in my mind and some i'd love to write in my dreams and publish. Here are my lists as a dream author:

1.  Mind your business: this book will intensely tell my readers how to run their stuff themselves and mind their business, being all up in someone's issue isn't and hasn't been the best way of living. Minding one's business is the winning way. A trial will convince you.

2. Drop the anger: this will be directed to our nurses and teachers especially. I once visited a family and over heard the little boy of six say he knows nothing and can never pass because his teacher told him he is dull and can't do anything. I have also been to a hospital and watched a
nurse's irritating approach to a patient. My thoughts: leave your anger at home, drop the frustration of the country in your house, pick the right work ettiquettes and attend to the pupils, the students and patients who need support and direction.

Below are a few of my friends who also have their dream books to write,lol. I find some pretty amusing and interesting too, a mix of hot and cold. Enjoy!

3. From OJAY, CEO LOJ Photography and my Blad picks "MIRAGE": Someday i'm gonna look back and remember all that s**t I went through was just a reflection of the heat of the moment, an illusion of what I thought was gonna last forever and just like a disappears as you get closer to it. thought of an ideal word that can cover a lot and something cropped up as *The Vestige*, it's an elegant word -its a visible trace of something disappearing, it's about shadows, it gives us a way to talk about traces or reminder of things which once existed or are disappearing.

4. From Dj Ree, my very own creative artiste and producer, he picks "THE POWER OF INNER PEACE": it's something I think everyone needs, to fully understand,  letting people know that this life can be so much fun on any level. Its all in the guiding of our mindsets towards being grateful and happy.‎

‎5. From Segun, aka, Kingskid, an IT Personnel picks "THE LATTER": the journey of his success, considering the path in his life, the rough beginnings, heartbreak and disappointments, the hard decisions. And now it's been God, family and a glorious Latter. Haggai 2:9.

6. From Lady Bright, my beautiful music girl, ebony black and strong willed chick picks, "WHERE THE TRUTH LIES....THE HEART".

7. From Timipre Karina Tuns, the gorgeous wife of an Ibo man picks "THE DIARY OF A MARRIED WOMAN".

8. From Richard Asiegbu, the sports presenter and broadcaster, he picks "WE ALL STINK": It is very easy to poke accusing fingers at leaders even when something as little as toothpick softens or breaks while being used. Blames are easier thrown the other side of the divide instead of being accepted. We all stink tells stories of situations 
where everyone bears the blame of a fault. Accepting blame most times means the person who acknowledges is willing to change what he accepts is his blame. When we all accept we stink we put in effort to wash off fix the nauseating odour.

9. From Jennifer Atuona, the only IT analyst I know in Guaranty Trust Bank, Benin City, 
the beautiful lady picks "UNDER YOUR NOSE": most times we search far for something that is within us or we look outside for answers when we should look inwards.

10. From the ever cheerful Comedian, speaker and writer, Forever, he picks "STOP STRUGGLING, START.....", we are yet to get a complete version of the title. *smiles*

11. From Amazing Grace, the Radio chick and wedding blogger, she picks "THE VESTIGE": it's an elegant word -its a visible trace of something disappearing, it's about shadows, it gives us a way to talk about traces or reminder of things which once existed or are disappearing.‎

Make the right plans by Joel Osteen

The Bible tells us that faith has action with it. A lot of times people say they believe something, but with their actions, they’re doing just the opposite. For example, some people make plans to get the flu. They believe it and speak it. They say, “Every year I get the flu.” Or, “It’s going to be bad this year.” They expect it, and a few months later, they’ve got it. Their faith worked!
Instead of making plans for the worst, why don’t you make plans for the best? Why don’t you make plans for the Word of God to come to pass in your life? The scripture says, “No weapon formed against me is going to prosper...a thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand; but it will not come near my dwelling!”
Today, make plans according to the Word of God. As you make right plans, you’ll see right things come to pass in your life. You’ll rise up in victory and enjoy the blessings God has in store for you!‎

Friday, 15 January 2016

THE LASSA FEVER...what you need to know!

Facts about Lassa Fever:
  • Lassa fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic illness of 1-4 weeks duration that occurs in West Africa.
  • The Lassa virus is transmitted to humans via contact with food or household items contaminated with rodent urine or faeces.
  • Person-to-person infections and laboratory transmission can also occur, particularly in hospitals lacking adequate infection prevent and control measures.
  • Lassa fever is known to be endemic in Benin (where it was diagnosed for the first time in November 2014), Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and parts of Nigeria, but probably exists in other West African countries as well.
  • The overall case-fatality rate is 1%. Observed case-fatality rate among patients hospitalized with severe cases of Lassa fever is 15%.
  • Early supportive care with rehydration and symptomatic treatment improves survival.

Symptoms of Lassa fever

The incubation period of Lassa fever ranges from 6-21 days. The onset of the disease, when it is symptomatic, is usually gradual, starting with fever, general weakness, and malaise. After a few days, headache, sore throat, muscle pain, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, cough, and abdominal pain may follow. In severe cases facial swelling, fluid in the lung cavity, bleeding from the mouth, nose, vagina or gastrointestinal tract and low blood pressure may develop. Protein may be noted in the urine. Shock, seizures, tremor, disorientation, and coma may be seen in the later stages. Deafness occurs in 25% of patients who survive the disease. In half of these cases, hearing returns partially after 1-3 months. Transient hair loss and gait disturbance may occur during recovery.
Death usually occurs within 14 days of onset in fatal cases. The disease is especially severe late in pregnancy, with maternal death and/or fetal loss occurring in greater than 80% of cases during the third trimester.


Humans usually become infected with Lassa virus from exposure to urine or faeces of infected Mastomys rats. Lassa virus may also be spread between humans through direct contact with the blood, urine, faeces, or other bodily secretions of a person infected with Lassa fever. There is no epidemiological evidence supporting airborne spread between humans. Person-to-person transmission occurs in both community and health-care settings, where the virus may be spread by contaminated medical equipment, such as re-used needles. Sexual transmission of Lassa virus has been reported.
Lassa fever occurs in all age groups and both sexes. Persons at greatest risk are those living in rural areas where Mastomys are usually found, especially in communities with poor sanitation or crowded living conditions. Health workers are at risk if caring for Lassa fever patients in the absence of proper barrier nursing and infection control practices.


Because the symptoms of Lassa fever are so varied and non-specific, clinical diagnosis is often difficult, especially early in the course of the disease. Lassa fever is difficult to distinguish from other viral haemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola virus disease; and many other diseases that cause fever, including malaria, shigellosis, typhoid fever and yellow fever.
Definitive diagnosis requires testing that is available only in specialized laboratories. Laboratory specimens may be hazardous and must be handled with extreme care. Lassa virus infections can only be diagnosed definitively in the laboratory using the following tests:
  • antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
  • antigen detection tests
  • reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay
  • virus isolation by cell culture.

Treatment and vaccines

The antiviral drug ribavirin seems to be an effective treatment for Lassa fever if given early on in the course of clinical illness. There is no evidence to support the role of ribavirin as post-exposure prophylactic treatment for Lassa fever.
There is currently no vaccine that protects against Lassa fever.

Prevention and control

Prevention of Lassa fever relies on promoting good “community hygiene” to discourage rodents from entering homes. Effective measures include storing grain and other foodstuffs in rodent-proof containers, disposing of garbage far from the home, maintaining clean households and keeping cats. Because Mastomys are so abundant in endemic areas, it is not possible to completely eliminate them from the environment. Family members should always be careful to avoid contact with blood and body fluids while caring for sick persons.
In health-care settings, staff should always apply standard infection prevention and control precautions when caring for patients, regardless of their presumed diagnosis. These include basic hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, use of personal protective equipment (to block splashes or other contact with infected materials), safe injection practices and safe burial practices.
Health workers caring for patients with suspected or confirmed Lassa fever should apply extra infection control measures to prevent contact with the patient’s blood and body fluids and contaminated surfaces or materials such as clothing and bedding. When in close contact (within 1 metre) of patients with Lassa fever, health-care workers should wear face protection (a face shield or a medical mask and goggles), a clean, non-sterile long-sleeved gown, and gloves (sterile gloves for some procedures).
Laboratory workers are also at risk. Samples taken from humans and animals for investigation of Lassa virus infection should be handled by trained staff and processed in suitably equipped laboratories.‎

I found this...

Be it long distance or not, communication is key and very essential in every kind of relationship, casual, intimate....Communication makes it easy, it makes it effortless, it gives you that sense of belonging. It takes two to communicate, no one waiting for another to beep or buzz first.
The picture above says it all, Stephan Speaks indeed. #RelationshipFact

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Do Not Be Afraid by Joel Osteen

Have you ever felt overwhelmed or even afraid of what God has called you to do? Maybe you were pursuing a dream or goal, and things didn’t turn out the way you planned. Joseph had planned to take Mary as his wife, but when he found out she was pregnant, he didn’t know what to think. He was afraid that he might be making a mistake because things didn’t turn out the way he planned, but God sent an angel in a dream to reassure Joseph that he was on the right path.
Today let me reassure you that God knows right where you are, and He knows how to get you where you need to be. Even when things don’t go the way you planned, His hand is on you. Do not be afraid. Trust that God is working behind the scenes on your behalf, and He will lead you into the life of blessing that He has prepared for you.‎

My #LoveThursday Playlist

From my juke box, I got this for you. Hope you like it. I'm a fan of the 80's... My Top 5 in no particular order.

1. Michael Bolton- To love somebody

2. Anita Baker- Sweet Love

3. Lionel Richie- Three times a lady

4. Luther Vandross- Always and Forever

5. Marvin Gaye- Sexual Healing

Throw Back Thursday #TBT

Our Celebrity #Tbt is the Eberi papa 1 of Bayelsa, Timaya. Back in the day when he attended talent hunt competitions. Humble beginnings lead our dreams to reality. I guess he is living the life he always wanted. Timaya is now a name to reckon with in the Nigerian Music Industry and is still working hard to stay relevant.


The Veteran Radio/TV On Air Personality, Raezy on the Radio is out with his 2015 "Wrap Up".


Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Water is good for the Kidney

Body fluids transport waste products in and out of cells. The main toxin in the body is blood urea nitrogen‎, a water-soluble waste that is able to pass through the kidneys to be excreted in the urine, explains Guest. "Your kidneys do an amazing job of cleansing and ridding your body of toxins as long as your intake of fluids is adequate," he says.
When you're getting enough fluids, urine flows freely, is light in colour and free of odour. When your body is not getting enough fluids, urine concentration, colour, and odour increases because the kidneys trap extra fluid for bodily functions.‎

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Minima Dapo Preps To Release His Album On Spinlet

The Lycann breed, MINIMA DAPO has seriously been putting good tunes together and been giving praises to God Almighty through his songs too.

The streets and churches has been showing positive response to his works over time and this year MINIMA DAPO says it's time to let loose the whole package for his fans and the love of good music.

In a little chat with MINIMA DAPO about this news of the album been released this year, here was what he had to say:

"First of all, I thank Oluwa for life, inspiration, the drive, the Lycann Empire family, my lovely fans and success, despite all that has been going on.
I've been cooking my hybrid tunes for a while now and it times to let my fans out there get a taste of what I've been cooking.

This is my debut album and it's been titled "THE IRRESISTABLE 12". It's got lots of talented hands in it.. More info on that would be out in time.
This is a lot more to have, with expectations high/low. The concept of this material is a mixed rave of light simple tunes which as well chronicles my life and also shares God's view of what true life is all about.

This album also centers on (People, God, The World system) revealing snaps from timeless sounds with lyrical simplicity, I bet you its a must have. MINIMA DAPO gets you smiling and chilling with every single track without a passive vent on listeners as you join in happy, sanctified mood, truly the album rocks.

Join the preparation as we release #TheIrresistable12 on by March 2016"

Follow on Twitter: @MinimaDapo @LycannRecords

I need the cry of a mini me....from a sister

I remember very well when I was proposed to, the noise I made, the plans we made for the wedding, I chose my girls, picked the best colour that will be great on them, always wanted a long flowing veil, have my face covered so that the darling groom would uncover, I had sleepless nights, I planned for a lot. I even went to stores to buy a few baby clothes, shoes, napkins, diaper, and a few of my baby's stuff though I wasn't pregnant but I needed to buy these things on ground. 
My wedding day came through and it was all I wanted, food went round to everyone, there was more than enough, I had that daddy-daughter dance I was talked about....and my DJ was just the right man for the day, he played me the Maxwell's Woman's worth, to love a woman and my favorite, That's what friends are for, it was heavenly, I wished it never came to an end, 
Talk about my honey moon, I doubt yours was as smooth, serene and sexy as mine, no, no, I doubt it was a trip to Dubai, I loved every single moment, the laughs, the jokes, the plan, the promises, the shopping, everything was great, I had nothing to worry about. 
Finally, honeymoon was over, we got back to Nigeria, started a new life with ourselves, it was kinda strange not going back to my parents' house, but I love this and this has been all I wanted with the man I love.
Two  years down and worries, pain, sleepless nights set in, midnight prayers, vigils but it still feels wrong, three years down and the tension is high, we have no child, we have visited the family doctor, extended to so many hospitals, and they all seem to say the same thing, "there's nothing wrong with you madam and there nothing wrong with you sir", so what is the problem? I feel real pain, I see my friends who got married a year ago with their babies, I have attended so many naming ceremonies. I have walked down the line of faith by purchasing stuff for my unborn baby. It's been seven years and nothing to show for my marriage, my husband on the other hand is a quiet, prayerful man who encourages me every single day, I find trust in that but it's seriously weighing me down. I feel helpless. I am more worried than my husband, sometimes I wonder why he doesn't feel disturbed, he is so calm about it.
I really pray for a miracle. I can't wait to hear the cry of a baby in my house. I can't wait to see mini me running around. It's difficult. And just last week, I read of a child who was thrown inside a gutter, the irony of life, what I crave for, someone is discarding. God help us! God bless good mothers.‎

From a sister who needs prayers. May God reach you at your point of need.‎

Funny Prophec for 2016...

The Amazing power of the Bible

I got all nervous yesterday trying to make a decision in my life, good or bad I wasn't and I am still not sure of, but we all have to take risks and stand by them. I put up a my regular Monday post on Instagram and unlike me, it wasn't the regular "motivational" post,a lot of my friends got worried, I got calls and aid that I never expected, as much as it brought tears to my eyes but I was excited deep down that I still had good people around me even if we don't talk everyday. Ijeoma Gbulie my friend and sister, proved that yesterday. A particular DM touched me yesterday, it was from a friend in London and in her words, " all will be well, read Isaiah 41:10.

I was to read that immediately, but I got lots of distraction and finally read it later in the day. It was super uplifting, it felt like it was talking to me directly, I decided to go through more verses and it was all smiles, I felt re-assured of God's promises.

It's a great feeling and I also want my Fam to tap into this. Make the bible your companion.

IG: @clarebellz

How not to fall in love Directed by Sobe Charles Umeh

I am a fan of good movies and an ardent viewer of Nollywood movies. The movie "How not to fall in love", is one I watched recently produced and directed by Sobe Charles Umeh, the brain behind "Bad Drop" which featured Kalu Ikeagwu, Stan Nze, Mary Lazarus, etc. How not to fall in love talks about two adults, Derrick (Ik Ogbonna) and Fiona (Omotu Bissong) whose parents arranged their wedding without the two knowing themselves. Their first encounter kicked off on a very bad note, even at that, their parents are hell bent on this union. They will go to any length to make sure this wedding takes place, neglecting what these two adults feel or think.

But the question here is, is there a right way to fall in love???

The movie features Ik Ogbonna, Omotu Bissong, Stan Nze, Betty Buzo.