Monday, 19 October 2015

The Next Miracle could be yours.....

A new week has come upon us, ladies and gentlemen *smiles*. Another week to make it right. Stay strong, Pray, Eat well, exercise well and you're good to go. Don't forget to show a little kindness to someone. 
For those expecting a job, contract, signed business proposal, and even that life partner, keep calm okay? Your miracle is here. Trust and believe these words cos this thing called Miracle happens.

Just last Wednesday, a young girl aged 14 called to tell me her dad died the previous night, all I did for 20 seconds was screaming "oh Jesus,why", knowing the fact that she lost her mother few years back. The young girl said, "Aunty Clare but he woke up", now at that point all I did was stay quiet and listened to this story. She was chased out of school the previous day with her three siblings, got back home, waited for daddy to return from his humble place of work, when he got back that night, they told him how they were sent out of school, how they were embarrassed, returning home and there was no food, as young children, they got carried away with their story and did not realise their dad wasn't responding, minutes later they discovered daddy wasn't breathing, wasn't moving, poured water on him as this was the first thought that came through, when they realised he wasn't moving, they rushed out to call neighbours who started prayers, they confirmed him dead, but this young girl said, she was convinced God wasn't going to allow them stay helpless, so she joined hands with her siblings and prayed with tears, and she said miraculously daddy coughed and woke up. She called me to share in this miracle and in her words "Aunty, your miracle is here, I pray for you everyday". Tears rolled down my cheeks as I had nothing to say. I thanked her and called her back the next morning to speak with her dad and do a little something for them. 
If you can read these words today it means there's hope. Whatever miracle you're waiting for, trust God to do it. 
May this week be productive for us all. God bless you big. 


  1. just a little faith can do a whole lotta things...tnx 4 sharing dear. I would say Amen and ,may God bless you plenty. hey rem ur miracle is here
