Saturday, 31 October 2015

You need to keep that body fit.

There are various ways to stay healthy and fit. By staying fit, you don't only look and feel better but you decrease your chance of medical problems such as: diabetes, heart attacks, hypertension and high cholesterol. There are many helpful strategies to keep fit and stay healthy with dedication.

  1. Walking/Jogging/Cycling: come out with a daily walking, jogging or cycling routine that fits with your schedule. You can start at a very slow pace then after a while, increase your distance, speed and eventually time. 
  2. Exercise at home: try push ups, sit ups, yoga.
  3. Exercise in the gym
  4. You can join a local sports team
  5. Maintain a balanced diet: 
  • Get rid of any junk food
  • Drink more water
  • Avoid foods that are high in sugar, high in fat, high cholesterol.
  • Know when to eat.
  • Stick to your plan
  • Have belief in yourself.