Saturday, 16 January 2016

Books I want to write

There are couple of books I have written in my mind and some i'd love to write in my dreams and publish. Here are my lists as a dream author:

1.  Mind your business: this book will intensely tell my readers how to run their stuff themselves and mind their business, being all up in someone's issue isn't and hasn't been the best way of living. Minding one's business is the winning way. A trial will convince you.

2. Drop the anger: this will be directed to our nurses and teachers especially. I once visited a family and over heard the little boy of six say he knows nothing and can never pass because his teacher told him he is dull and can't do anything. I have also been to a hospital and watched a
nurse's irritating approach to a patient. My thoughts: leave your anger at home, drop the frustration of the country in your house, pick the right work ettiquettes and attend to the pupils, the students and patients who need support and direction.

Below are a few of my friends who also have their dream books to write,lol. I find some pretty amusing and interesting too, a mix of hot and cold. Enjoy!

3. From OJAY, CEO LOJ Photography and my Blad picks "MIRAGE": Someday i'm gonna look back and remember all that s**t I went through was just a reflection of the heat of the moment, an illusion of what I thought was gonna last forever and just like a disappears as you get closer to it. thought of an ideal word that can cover a lot and something cropped up as *The Vestige*, it's an elegant word -its a visible trace of something disappearing, it's about shadows, it gives us a way to talk about traces or reminder of things which once existed or are disappearing.

4. From Dj Ree, my very own creative artiste and producer, he picks "THE POWER OF INNER PEACE": it's something I think everyone needs, to fully understand,  letting people know that this life can be so much fun on any level. Its all in the guiding of our mindsets towards being grateful and happy.‎

‎5. From Segun, aka, Kingskid, an IT Personnel picks "THE LATTER": the journey of his success, considering the path in his life, the rough beginnings, heartbreak and disappointments, the hard decisions. And now it's been God, family and a glorious Latter. Haggai 2:9.

6. From Lady Bright, my beautiful music girl, ebony black and strong willed chick picks, "WHERE THE TRUTH LIES....THE HEART".

7. From Timipre Karina Tuns, the gorgeous wife of an Ibo man picks "THE DIARY OF A MARRIED WOMAN".

8. From Richard Asiegbu, the sports presenter and broadcaster, he picks "WE ALL STINK": It is very easy to poke accusing fingers at leaders even when something as little as toothpick softens or breaks while being used. Blames are easier thrown the other side of the divide instead of being accepted. We all stink tells stories of situations 
where everyone bears the blame of a fault. Accepting blame most times means the person who acknowledges is willing to change what he accepts is his blame. When we all accept we stink we put in effort to wash off fix the nauseating odour.

9. From Jennifer Atuona, the only IT analyst I know in Guaranty Trust Bank, Benin City, 
the beautiful lady picks "UNDER YOUR NOSE": most times we search far for something that is within us or we look outside for answers when we should look inwards.

10. From the ever cheerful Comedian, speaker and writer, Forever, he picks "STOP STRUGGLING, START.....", we are yet to get a complete version of the title. *smiles*

11. From Amazing Grace, the Radio chick and wedding blogger, she picks "THE VESTIGE": it's an elegant word -its a visible trace of something disappearing, it's about shadows, it gives us a way to talk about traces or reminder of things which once existed or are disappearing.‎


  1. Clare just finished reading...let me see if u wld understand this.... ur books need to read my book and my book need to read urs

    Insight - I wldnt be able to mind my biz...and share happiness except I make sharing happiness my which case I wlldnt totally be able to mind my biz...but I can't achieve total inner peace if I don't totally mind my biz... u connect?

    1. Hahaha, nice one Ree. Lyricist indeed and yes I connect. So please work effortlessly to achieve total inner peace so you can mind your business. Beautiful weekend Ree

  2. Clare just finished reading...let me see if u wld understand this.... ur books need to read my book and my book need to read urs

    Insight - I wldnt be able to mind my biz...and share happiness except I make sharing happiness my which case I wlldnt totally be able to mind my biz...but I can't achieve total inner peace if I don't totally mind my biz... u connect?

  3. Kk sure! That's the simplest way of stating a complex pioint!.a few of our our fellow readers would be rolling down the rabbit hole after reading these comments. #strenght Pricesles Princess!!
