Monday, 25 July 2016

Prayers work indeed

Sometimes we really don't know how to express what we are going through, sometimes we try but the next person clearly doesn't understand anything you're saying, well it could be because he/she has never been in such position or just can't relate with your story. Sometimes the best could be to create a "pretty loud silence" within and around us, YES, sometimes it helps, and the other time it worsens it. In the midst of the silence, the heart ache, the pain. have you thought of doing the most important thing? Have you obeyed the law in the good book, that says PRAY? Don't be ashamed to go down on your knees, don't be afraid to pace round the office while praying, don't be ashamed to let the tears out and pray. 

Prayer changes our situations, it opens our hearts, it is the key to unlock those seemingly closed doors, it is the only master key, it is the best convo to have with God.‎ There is no specific time to pray, pray at all times.

Have you tried praying? May be you should. It works wonders. ‎

1 comment:

  1. Prayer is the key, Prayer is the master key
