Monday, 25 April 2016

A Better Morning

A brighter morning. Good night but a better morning. Another day, another week to grind. In the midst of the confusion or disappointments of last week, we are charged to move out with more energy that we have ever had to put in. ‎
To that one person who believes in himself but still gets discourages because of low financial status, discouraging words from friends and frenemies....Stand tall, God has given you another day, another reason to live and fulfil your dreams, you're responsible for your actions. Always remember that a lot of people discourage others because they can't breed good ideas like yours, they're just jealous, they are enemies of progress. You owe yourself some level of happiness.
Make it a point of duty to create new ideas, take chances, make a move, but in all of these: "Put all your plans in God's hands, Trust in Him and watch Him work wonders"...He remains God.
Beautiful lovelies. God bless our hustle.‎

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