Tuesday, 22 March 2016

The Flaccid Truth: Erectile Dysfunction ( E.D) by Doc Izu - THE CLINIC

Lets talk about every mans nightmare the evil called erectile dysfunction , which can be simply said to be inability to achieve or maintain a penile erection for satisfactory sexual activity .It is different from premature ejaculation which is the release of semen during intercourse earlier than the man or his partner would want. E.D causes substantial negative impact on relationships {every lady loves a stud},affects quality of life and low esteem in affected individuals. 

The mechanisms of achieving  penile erection depends mainly on adequate blood supply, testosterone levels, nerve supply to the penis {nitrogen oxide pathway} and one's psychological state. 

A lot of discussions have taken place about E.D so lets continue by stating some facts and dispensing some myth‎


  • Erectile dysfunction is common in older men 
  •  Bicycling and long distance drivers suffer from E.D alot {this is due to prolonged compression of blood vessels and the lower spinal nerves}
  •  Caffeine helps prevent E.D {increases the heart rate which in turn increases blood supply to the organs}


 Refined sugar especially in carbonated drinks and pastry is the primary cause of E.D {so except you are an athelete or you exercise often which most of us dont including myself , to burn excess sugars, excessive intake of refined sugars in form of soda/carbonated drinks can lead to conditions which can cause E.D eg diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, hypertension so cut down on the sugar}
 E.D is not treatable  { it is totally treatable , someone shout ALLELUYA}
The major cause of E.D is psychological stress especially in younger men mainly due to stress and performance anxiety, other  risk factors of E.D include:

  •  Aging especially in older men 60years and above 
  •  Medications{anticonvulsants,antidepressants,nicotine,chemotherapy}
  • Medical conditions like diabetes mellitus,hypertension,kidney failure 
  • Lifestyle especially smoking which causes narrowing of the blood vessels 
  • Wearing tight fitting briefs this causes reduction of blood supply to the penis
  •  Use of illicit drugs eg alcohol, cocaine, marijuana etc
  •  Obesity and sedentary lifestyle 

            Treatment modalities would include :

  •  Exercise especially aerobic exercises also men who experience E.D should practice kegel exercises regularly
  •  Cessation of smoking ciggarettes,use of illicit drugs and redution in alcohol intake 
  • Treating underlying medical conditions.
  •  Drug therapy with phosphodiesterase type 5 {calm down your doctor would explain better}
  •  Intrapenile injections 
  • Use of vaccum penile pumps
  • Use of inflatable penile pumps 
  • surgical intervention

Also intake of fruits especially water melons and bananas are beneficial in managing E.D  ,also cardio protective foods like garlic and ginger are highly recommended.
80 percent of men with E.D have psychological reasons as a basis of their condition so for this group it is pertinent to remove the negative psychological factors by talking to a therapist ,gping for massages. For those with performance anxiety, foreplay is key ,this gives time to relax and be calm also talking to your partner also helps allay the anxiety .

N.B: the purpose of this is to bring awareness to the condition and also show available treatment modalities. Self medication is not advisable so forgive me for not metioning specific drugs.

Remember every drug is a potential poison and has its own side effects. For further discussion on this subject pls feel free to contact me via email IZOID86@GMAIL.COM.

Feel free to ask questions and add tips in the comment section.

Dr Izu

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