Friday, 5 February 2016

Power of the body language

So sometimes we sell out ourselves with the body language.  It is good to notice the signal that people show us, it guards us. With a little extra attentiveness, we can learn to accurately read body language and with enough practise it can become second nature.
Body language is an important part of communication which can constitute 50 percent or more of what we are saying. If you wish to communicate well, then it makes a lot of sense to learn how you can and cannot use your body to say what you mean.

Body language come in clusters of signals and postures depending on the emotional or mental state. Let us see different ways of using body language, you can include yours at the comment box.

Here are a few I know of:

Aggressive body language: this shows physical strength

Attentive body language: shows keen interest

Bored body language: not interested in the conversation or a person

Confident body language: shows he/she is comfortable

Trustworthy body language: shows you can be trusted

Submissive body language: showing you are ready to give in

Romantic body language: showing attraction

Restless body language: showing not comfortable or in some cases, tired of seeing a particular face and wants him/ her out of the house or.....

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