Sunday, 14 February 2016

Happy Valentines day lovelies....

Been almost forever, I have been super busy. I apologise for my absence, but trust me it was for a good reason. Well, I thought to write and wish you my Blog Fam, a beautiful Valentines' day. Take it easy tho.

Love is indeed a beautiful thing, it's super amazing to be in love with someone who reciprocate even more than you show it. True love makes you radiate, it brings out the youth in you, it unconsciously tells the whole world how happy you are from the inside. The smile never stays fake, it gives you the zeal to do a lot. Love is patient, it tolerates, it never keeps a grudge. It's the reason we have the strength to move on. It sparkles our life. It gives us that sense of belonging.

Love is priceless, it forgives our wrong and beautifies our entire being. For those of you in love, be
patient, enjoy every moment, love with no resentment. And for those who are yet to find the
"him/her", take a chill, yours will come. And as for me, I pray to grow old with Papa Ginika and love him mercilessly, lol.

Enjoy the Valentines day, say "I love you" to at least five people and put a smile on their faces. My Valentines' day is totally awesome, enjoying every single second.

Please drop comments and let us know how you spent or are still spending your day. You can hashtag #ilove(write your spouse's name). So after writing about your escapade, you end with #IloveBimbim or #IloveClare. #hehe

P.s: i'll resume tomorrow but in the meantime, let me enjoy my fully booked day *sunslides


  1. A beautiful day, fills the air with untainted love that comes within the soul of man... sure it does sparkle life and i do appreciate having this day with you... # i love Chi...

  2. Went to church to keep the sabbath holy and then followed a friend to pick up his date to a reasurant I recommended at GRA while I take off home to my freshly cooked sweet potatoes wtth scrabbled eggs and few glasses of choclate rum *Bliss*...with "The following" playing In the background'#iLoveMyLife

    1. Interesting indeed. #BitterleafJuice. Happy Valentines' day sir

  3. Well ours started on Saturday courtesy Coca-Cola. Had a photo shoot with a celebrity photographer and then we did dinner and as for Sunday,we went to church watched ball ate rice,suya and drank wine while watching davinci demon #iloveme #ilovemyhusband #ithinkiloveclare *walkingbyclareandsmilinginanevilway

    1. Well, thank God you had some activities. Not a badd one @ Davinci Demon. #iloveme #ilovepapaginika #ithinkiloveSophie
