Being a strong independent woman means you are able to create happiness within, stand for what you are without waiting for validation. You can make decisions, either good or bad and work through it, make mistakes, learn from it and move on. It also means having strong emotional independence and healthy relationships without being co-dependent on anyone.
Here are few steps that can guide you:
1. Put yourself first: when you notice yourself needing something, be it attention or affection, take time to know what you want, pamper yourself, get yourself to a place you'd love to go to, treat yourself well. It's needed.
2. Learn to recognise co-dependency: when you see yourself always waiting to talk to a friend to get his opinion before you make a decision then you should put a check to that. Every man for himself, as it is always said. You know your cross, carry it, bear it. I was told yesterday, that individually, we all carry our pains alone, and should be able to carry our own load, no one knows how it hurts or how eager you want something except YOU.
3. Don't compare yourself to other women.
4. Set clear boundaries to be able to plan your own needs. Be sure to know when to stop paying attention to criticism, when to leave a friend's house, etc.
5. Stand up for yourself, nobody will. Everyone is working hard to stand for themselves.
6. Learn to use "I" statement.
7. Believe in yourself, if you don't then no one will.
8. Speak up; let people know when they have hurt your feelings.
9. Embrace your uniqueness and that of others.
my sisi is a strong woman....i always n will always remind u