Wednesday, 25 November 2015

NAT 202 by El Poiz©

Hello Ladies..I'm really sorry I have been MIA(Missing In Action) for the past week..I have been under the weather.
Well...we are back for classes.
How are the kinks, curls and coils?
It would be great if you could type in progress reports in the comment box and any problems you have, I'll be glad to provide a solution.

Now, back to the manes....We've been acclimatised with the big chop, 
transitioning and the hair regimen. In the Hair Regimen section, we looked at weekly wash,things to consider when selecting a hair regimen, deep conditioning, LCO/LOC, Night time routine,. This week, we keep on the hair regimen as its a vast topic.

This is one of the things to consider when selecting a hair regimen. Its importance can not be over emphasized. Hair Type basically deals with the definition of the hair curls. Hair types range from type 2 to type 4 with sub types for each(2a,2b, 3a, e.t.c). Africans usually have the type 4 although not all. Attached above are pictures which can help you figure out your hair type. To accurately get your hair type, you would need to wet your hair as this will bring out your natural curls for easy identification.

Another consideration in selecting a hair regimen. Moisture level goes hand in hand with hair porosity. As I said in a previous class, moisturizing the hair is not an issue, retaining moisture is. Hair breakage is as a result of dry hair amongst other causes so this should highlight the importance of retaining moisture. Hair Porosity is the absorption rate of your hair or the ability of the hair to absorb moisture.

1)Low Porosity
2)Normal Porosity
3)High Porosity
Low Porosity; also called Bullet Proof, lol,or resistant. Manes with low porosity have highly compacted flat smooth cuticles which makes it difficult for moisture to get in; although once moisture does get in, its difficult to get out.

1)It takes a longer period for hair to dry when wet
2) Moisture does not get in easily; it takes a while
3)Products applied don't usually get into the hair shaft making hair look like it has a product build up
4)It does not accept hair dyes easily, dyes will need to be added more than once for effect

1)Use natural heating methods like the baggy method,GHEE cap wear(will discuss this subsequently). This will cause the cuticles to sweel and open up for moisture to get in
2)Use light oils and light creams as heavy oils will be difficult to absorb
3)Apply products on hair when hair is damp for easy absorption
4)Weekly wash and moisturizing deep conditioning is advised
5)Wash hair with warm water and rinse DC's with cold water
6)Protein DC's are advisable every 6-8 weeks

This is balanced and does not require a lot of tips for moisture retention. Cuticles are raised enough to absorb moisture .Healthy hair with normal porosity can absorb water up to 30% by weight allowing the right amount of moisture to penetrate and holds onto it well.
1)Hair absorbs moisture easily and holds it in for a long time
2)Dyes take effect at first application
3)Hardly creates products build-ups if products are used in the right proportion.
1.Protein treatments best once in every month
2.Light oils and products are advised
3.Weekly wash and deep conditioning.

Have a lovely week Ladies, looking forward to progress reports.

Stay beautiful and Natural.

El Poiz©

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