Thursday, 10 December 2015

The Power Of Attitude by Gift Jonah

The year is approaching its end and everyone is looking forward to 2016 but I’d like for you to look back at the pass months and assess all you were able to achieve, what you planned to achieve but couldn’t due to some factors, obstacles and challenges not forgetting your opportunities too and how well you grabbed it when they came, decisions that you regret taking, things you would have done better but didn’t.
I want to believe some people already have set goals they desire to achieve next year. I don’t know about you but I have written down my goals for 2016 and have begun plans on how I will execute them effectively God help me. These remaining weeks of the year, I’d like you to assess yourself internally and Identify areas you need to improve on. The next few weeks will be dedicated to self-development.

Charisma without character leads to a life of failure and frustration. Attitude is your disposition or feeling with regard to a person or thing and what makes you different is the power behind your attitude. Your attitude is the reflection of your true self, it reveals who you really are. Attitude speaks of your past, present and your future. The root of your attitude are inward but its results are outward. Funny enough, your attitude just like your appearance determines how you are been addressed.
In life, your attitude towards situation or challenges around you determines how far you achieve. Like I always tell people, very little is required to make a happy life. It is all within you, in the way you think and your attitude. This week, I want you to be positive towards life, never accept defeat. Do not go about your day and week acting like the worse have befallen you or that you are the only one experiencing challenges. Your attitude can change your life. Even the bible in 1corin 10:13 records that the challenges we face is common and everybody faces similar issues too. It is now your attitude that will determine how well you come out of it. Let your attitude be right for maximum success. Below is a story shared by my mentor and I’d like for you to draw inspiration from it.

“After I completed the mandatory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), I thought that getting a job was going to be an easy thing. I was wrong. I had to stay at home for over a year.

During that period, I did not look down on myself. I made up my mind that I was not going to worry. What I did was to go to my pastor and volunteer to serve in the church. Because I knew that it was only a matter of time for my situation to change.
I maintained a positive attitude and barred any negative thoughts from my mind. It was while I was volunteering that someone came to say that there was a vacancy for an Engineer at a construction site.
I got the job though I was not qualified. I believe I was able to get my first job because of a change in my attitude”.
Inspiring right? Yes it is. It may not a job you are waiting for but no matter how long you have waited, a positive change in your attitude will determine the outcome eventually like it did for him.


  1. your attitude actually says a lot about a person. be sure to always have a right and positive attitude.
    God bless us all and help us

    1. Indeed it does. A second with someone who has a negative (bad) attitude can destroy the whole day. Positive attitude attracts great people
