Saturday, 26 December 2015

I respect my instincts..Do you???

Instincts are responses and actions that you were born with, things you did not have to learn. i have grown to trust my instincts when a situation arises, they seldom lead me astray. If something or someone is making you uncomfortable, i always listen to the feeling. I have had dealings with a person that i simply felt was untrustworthy, on the one hand, my instincts were telling me to avoid contact with this person, but my logical self decided that it was ridiculous to feel this way, and i went right ahead to have dealings with this person. Later, it turned out that my instincts were right, after the pain came the experience. Guess we sometimes learn after a bitter experience.

Learn How To Trust Your Instincts:

If you have decided that you have been tuning out your instinctive and intuitive side, you may want to take some time to learn how to trust your instincts again. You will probably find that the clutter of your conscious thoughts is just crowding out your subconscious, instinctive mind, but there are ways to help you reconnect to make your instincts more effective in everyday life.

• Meditation is one of the best ways to follow when you seek to trust your instincts more. Meditation stimulates the right side of your brain, which is the side that deals with creativity and spontaneity, as well as instincts. Letting meditation augment the right side of the brain will make your instinctive responses stronger, and also make it more likely that you will follow these responses when the need arises.

• Going with your first response to a situation is a good way to trust your instincts. You will notice that children, when presented with a choice, will usually just snatch something up – they are relying on an instinctive reaction to guide them. If you think back over your life, you will probably realize that most of the things that you chose first, actually as a result of instinct, turned out to be the best choice.

• Your ‘Sixth Sense’ is probably actually your instincts. When this sense calls out to you not to go somewhere or do something, it is probably that your subconscious mind has picked up danger signals and your instinct is screaming at you to pay attention. Paying attention to your sixth sense is another good way to trust your instincts.

Learning to trust your instincts more is a way not only to avoid various troubles, but also a way to make better decisions. Thinking too much about something makes us a hamster on a wheel, moving fast but getting nowhere. Trusting your instincts will often let you cut right to what’s important and needy.

I have had to follow my instincts or my inner voice like I would love to call it and it had saved me from so many situations and helped me walk out of some would-be problematic beings. trust your instincts for once and see how it works for you.

Happy holidays Fam.

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