Wednesday, 23 December 2015

CONFESS IT by Gift Jonah

It is one thing to know the word, it is another thing to confess it. When you begin to confess the word of God daily, it helps to correct your negative thinking and those words gradually begin to manifest in your life because the bible says you will have what you say.
Meditating and confessing the word gives you the confidence to face your fears and come out victorious. The bible says that the power of life and death lies in our tongue. So the more you keep confessing positive words like I am the head not the tail, I am the light of the world, I am the salt of the earth, I can do all things through Christ Jesus, I am the apple of God’s eye etc.… is the more you put God to work on your behalf so as to attain success.

As the year draws to an end, I want you to begin the New Year with the right attitude in all you do, believe in yourself that you have all it takes to succeed and finally confess your victory always.


  1. May the good Lord bless the works of our hands....Amen

  2. Nice write up, so inspiring. Merry Christmas

    1. Thanks for visiting Michael. God bless and Merry christmas
