Sunday, 11 October 2015

Preparing for the new week....

Happy Sunday darlingsssss, hope the weekend was restful? And another week is here again,#wheeew. It's gonna be just fine okay? So just before the new week starts, i'll like us to clear our minds of any hate we have on anyone.

We have all been hurt by a close friend, a member of our family, a colleague, a used to be relationship partner,etc, and in turn, we have also hurt these categories of people, knowingly or unknowingly. Most of us must have gone through emotional torture, pain, scars, you name it, and now it's so difficult to forgive, for every second you play the movie in your head, you turn red, you start to curse out, you start to regret, you only wish you can pay back, you wish they can feel the same way they made you feel but the WORD says: "your adversary is the devil, and he knows that if you don't forgive, your prayers won't be effective". Free yourself of the hurt. It's tempting to hold on to unforgiveness but please LET GO of the hate, the heartache. God forgives our every sin, who are we not to. FORGIVENESS IS THE KEY TO UNLOCKING GOD'S MIRACLE POWER.

So a little exercise for you, for me and for all of us, FORGIVE that one person today
Sadly my weekend did not end well, because my big cousin lost her second baby. The joy of a mother turned into sorrow right before her. But I believe God knows best. 


  1. Forgiveness is indeed hard but do able. Beautiful piece likey

  2. Yea. We should love our neighbours as ourselves so therefore, once you love someone, u shud be able to forgive cos God loves us and He forgives us becos He loves us. Sorry for the loss Sisi Clare...
