Sunday, 25 October 2015


Sometimes it's best to cry it out, cry till you're satisfied. When people insult you because of your present status (unemployed, of age but not yet married, broke,etc), it breaks you, it hurts you but be reminded that the God you serve hasn't abandoned you, be sure to know that He has better plans for you, be sure to know that these people are ignorant of God's promises towards you.

Sadly, some people do not understand that as much as things are going easy for them, going smooth for them, it doesn't make them God's favourite, it doesn't make them God's chosen or the apple of God's eye. Until most people walk down that rough road, until they pass through that tunnel that dark tunnel before the light at the end, they'd never appreciate God's mercies. 
I would someday share a personal story, I just need to be convinced within myself to do so and i'll definitely write in.

But for people both young and old who derive joy in looking down on people, insulting people, disrespecting, and doing all manner of unkind acts to others, remember that you do not own your life, remember life is like an express road and there's room for overtaking, remember you could cease breathing just in a second, things could turn around for you; you may stay home after graduation for years without jobs, you could have failed relationships,and the list is endless.

Show some love to people who do their best to love you, appreciate people, respect people, have a positive attitude, help when you can, never act like you know all, have proper choice of words, address people in a manner you would love to be addressed. I have come to realise that the people who hurt you the most are our so called friends and families. 

No one knows tomorrow. 


  1. Is as if you just mirrored my current life status in this post. It's well sha! Diarisgod

  2. Is as if you just mirrored my current life status in this post. It's well sha! Diarisgod

  3. Well said Clare, I no longer care about people's opinion about me..I believe in Life everything happens for a reason..let them talk,na their mouth.

  4. whatever it is esp what people say,i think taking out the positive part and erase the other parts helps 'like u neva heard it'. and if there is no positive part.....well lets just say the person was never there or not tlkin to u or better still the person is a ghost. love u dear.
