Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Be busy or be productive?

This article was inspired by an acquaintance I ran into on my way for lunch. A student in the Final year session of her studies at a Polytechnic (don't ask for names, please).

She's back home for a 2-month holiday and she tells me, "I just came into town three days ago and I am already tired; am just home, don't have much to do and it's wearing me out. To think that I have two months to stay is literally killing me!" "I wish I can find something- anything- to keep me busy; get me out of the house in the morning, every morning" she laments.

Have you been in that situation or met anyone who complained like that?

Do you know many, many persons live like this? I mean, they are busy, very busy, but they never take a moment- maybe 15mins- to ask themselves: am I being productive? Am I actually making progress or  just burning time?

Someone has rightly said that every wasted time is a wasted opportunity.

"I look around me
  but All I seem to see
  Is people going nowhere
  Expecting sympathy..."
----Simple Plan: When Am Gone.

I don't want to define how you run your life, all I want is to provoke a question you alone can answer for yourself: Are you busy or you are being productive?

For any goal, remember the words of Jesus, "the kingdom of God is within you."

Good luck.
     Cyril Onurisi