Wednesday, 28 November 2018

In my thoughts...

Tonight marks the beginning of a "new beginning". I feel my heart in bits and pieces after a heavy bang. I thought it was easy to walk on by but....*cries in pain*
I wonder if I will ever get it right? Heart ache, pain, a heavy heart...all these I bear, all these I fight with.
I just want to heal. Please I am sorry for the out pour of my current situation, I used to be stronger than this, but I guess nature took a hold on me.
I need me some light to shine on me again.
I miss me
I miss my shine
I miss my self happiness
My body is weak and pale
I have lost some weight
My eyes are so heavy and red.
Whoever said this was easy??? I forgive you for ever making me think it was.

Dear Diary II

Dear diary,
I wish I can reset my life
I wish love finds me
I wish I can someday love someone without holding back
I wish for a lot of things
With a heavy heart I write this dear diary,
I want to heal
I want to heal quick so i can pick up the pieces
God give me a sign that you still love me

Dear Diary

Dear diary,
I feel Regrets
The tears I have let out in the past few weeks have been on a different level.
I refuse to be a failure
I refuse to accept I am totally bad and always wrong
I am human, I make mistakes
I hope I find someone who would understand me and will be willing to grow with me, my flaws shouldn't be a reason to judge or abandon me
My heart is so heavy
This phase is here again
I will go through this
If love doesn't find me, then.....

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Save the nuts...

SAVE THE NUTS,  is a campaign that, will be carried out soon by a few of my friends and I. We do not have enough awareness for prostate Cancer and so, we intend to create visuals for this and create some buzz.

Watch this space.

Omoye the movie...

How long do we have to talk about it?  How long should we die in silence?  What prompts this violence?  There are so many questions to be asked so many issues to be resolved.  We hear a lot of stories and sometimes are left to imagine what these victims go through.

Omoye, is a new movie on domestic violence, well interpreted by great actors who put in their best to make this a success and tell a good story. Omoye shows the psychological effect of domestic violence on its victim.
It features Kiki Omeili, Tina Mba, Rotimi Salami, Stan Nze, Gregory Ojefua, Olarotimi Fakunle, etc.

Omoye will be premiered on the 22nd of October and will be in cinemas from the 27the of October. Let's support Nollywood. Let us say NO to Domestic Violence.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Profile Check...

Rinou Daffy Monay
Actor, Dog lover, voice over artist,
official ambassador for Sly Monay clothing line.
Featured in: Tinsel,  hotel majestic,  mystified, shuga, etc

Kayode Ogunwo
Actor, OAP,  banker
Featured in Tinsel....

Franklin Nwosu
Model and actor
Mr ideal globe 2014
featured in the center page of city life magazine
Brand ambassador for koch_house clothing line.
Hosted awards shows and judged pageants
Train models in catwalks and poses.

Alfred Samuel
Actor and PRPR/social media enthusiast
Featured in: Tinsel, Omoye, The Other Woman.

Keep your eyes glued to your screens and watch them take over.
They ain't regular, lol.
New Nollywood.

Have you seen Arima?

Arima is a vignette that shows the psychological effect of rape on its victim.

Say NO to Rape.

I thank the cast and crew who made this a success.

This short film features Diamond Okoh and Manuel Ifeanyichukwu.

Produced and Directed by my humble self- Clare Ezeakacha

Shot by Femd Daniel

Edited by Femd Daniel.

Watch and subscribe to my channel.  Spread the word FAM #NoToRape


Hey warrior...

I hope you stay happy today and always.

I hope you stay away from anyone who tries to talk you down.

I hope you find peace.

I hope you find love even in the strangest places.

I pray God strengthens what's weak in you.

I pray He mends what's broken in you.

I pray for you as I do for me.

Agbadagri Frank shot it 📷

Sunday, 16 July 2017

One hell of a year....

You know how we plan a lot of stuff in our heads and somehow they just don't work as planned or as we pictured them.  The year started in a very nasty way,  tears, worries and heartache. Wasn't sure the direction to take.  I felt stuck for a very long time. In the midst of it all, God came through for me.  You just never know how strong you are till you're faced with being strong....I knew I was strong but I think I under estimated myself.

The past is gone and buried.  I feared lots of things.  I feared visiting my blog because it kinda brought back memories I never wish to remember forever.  With that been said,  I'm hoping I come back fully to my dear diary and ease of each day, if time permits me.

My business has kicked off greatly,  thanks be to God and that's why I haven't had so much time here though.  It's been one location to another,  what I prayed for. I should be sharing my production experiences from time to time. While on set,  I may not have the luxury to post but I would ensure to steal few minutes,  may be pictures on set could do.

Special thanks to my Lil sister who encouraged me back here and to Catherine Alimi,  that call did a lot, I am super grateful.

In the meantime,  I produced and directed a vignette, titled ARIMA. A short film that shows the psychological effect of rape on its victim. I hope to release this by Monday. I'll also share the link for you to watch.  #SayNoToRape #Arima

Please do follow me on Instagram: @clarebellz

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Happy birthday...

Today I celebrate a few people who has in one way or the other, encouraged and helped me. I celebrate the man of God- PeeUuu, who constantly reminds me of how much God loves me.

I celebrate my friend and colleague Mama T, a very bold and kind heart

 and to the fine boy- G'son Orji  whose humility cannot be measured.

I wish you all God's blessings and grace. Keep kinging.

Always be grateful...

I came across this picture and had to share on Instagram and on my blog. While we worry about things we don't have, cry over a heart break, cry over rejection and disappointments, worry about moving on, worry about our business and so on, there are a few who go through worse situations, who live each day by God's mercy.

I have learnt how to appreciate God for life and family. To let go of things that broke me, let go of people who constantly disappoint me, people who make it a habit to see me cry, people who promised and failed, people who made me feel I am of no good and have the worst character probably compared to the devil.....I have lived above the pain, the tears and the disappointment. I choose to be grateful for life, for the few ones I can call friends, grateful for my family and for the imperfect being that I am who slowly but surely works on being a good person.

Appreciate life. Be thankful to God and never let anyone bring you down. Never give excuses for those who can't protect you. Sit and watch God fight for you.

Happy new month Fam

Good bye January; welcome February.....may the new month bring peace and love to you and yours.

Happy new month. Never worry about a thing. #nomoreweeping

Thursday, 26 January 2017

New music alert....

So many of us may be troubled for different reasons but whatever it is, Henrisoul prays for us through this beautiful song to find peace in our hearts because God has taken away your pain and shame at the cross of calvary. 
Ever since I downloaded this song, it has been on repeat with tears in my eyes. 
To anyone going through one situation or the other, you may be broken now but He will mend that heart soon. Never feel dejected or used. God sees it all and in no time, it will all look like a joke.

Download and share this beautiful song and follow him on Instagram: @henrisoul 


If it doesn't kill you, then it can only make you stronger.

Can't get enough of these pictures. Follow @glambyazeela on Instagram for exquisite face beat.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Good start of the week....

Pretty loud silence I feel. Pretty loud silence I hear. Gradually peace finds me, a sigh of relief, the heavy heart drops and I can feel my face again, it's all coming back but now- slow and steady.... I'm gradually winning.

See your battles, scars, disappointments and delays as God's plan for a better tomorrow. It's just for the moment and then you will realise why it all happened.  May not be an  easy phase, but God got you covered

Stay winning Fam.  It will end in praise.

Big thanks to Glam by Azeelar for the photoshoot and Fabulous Adiva for the jumpsuit.

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy new year...

I wish you God's blessings now and always. I pray for open doors, for favour, for mercy and His direction. When people say there is a casting down, you'll be lifted. May your dreams be turned to reality and the works of your hands be perfected.

Happy new year. Have a blessed year. God bless you.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

My 2016...

The year started really scary for me, doubts set in, fear I couldn't put to control. There were so many questions I needed to ask myself and my God, a hundred and one question came up in a second. How I came over the fear, I can't explain, how I moved from that spot-I can't explain, how I made a big move- I can't explain. But I moved from that spot in a very big way, I had smiles and then laughter, I had dreams that were put into play, it became a reality. This year paved way for so many things, it gave me opportunities, it made me meet awesome people, it made me show my strength, it made me know my strength, it taught me patience, it taught me love. This year has given me a trailer load of energy to do more and to do better than I did this year.

It will be an amazing 2017. Thank you 2016. Thanks to all who made the year worth the while. Thanks to my family. Thanks to my friends. Thanks to those who support the brand and believe in me. Thanks to you. I am grateful.

Happy holiday Fam

Always a good time to have family around. The holiday brings us close to family and friends. Another time to catch up on events that happened over the year with our loved ones. In this beautiful season of Christmas, I also preach the message of giving to those who deserve a smile, those who have no one to talk to, have no food to eat or even new clothes to wear.
Let this season bring in good tidings, peace, love and happiness.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year. May God connect us to the right places and the right people. Let your light shine forth.

God bless us.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Our MCM is the young star- Dheztiny!!!

Onuora destiny Ebubechukwu, extraordinary RnB Afro High life singer, hails from the eastern part of Nigeria,  Enugu, Ezeagu. Started singing 2005, choreographed western songs during social events in school then started singing professionally in 2011. He has quite a few songs to his name and is working tirelessly to do more.

Here are a few of his songs:

1. Burst MA brain ft DIB (2012)


2. I know ft DIB (2013)

3. CALM DOWN ft Latino (2014)


4. Pammy (2016) - the latest and trending hit. Produced by Kezyklef


Follow him on IG: @iamdheztiny

Monday greetings...

Praise! Praise!! And more Praise!!! I decided to do more of praise and thanksgiving this month. Thankful for life, family, friends, frenemies, opportunities and health. It only shows how great our God is. Stay thankful Fam and just like the beautiful writer Ozzy Too Blessed said to me, I also say this to you, "when there is a casting down ; you'll be lifted". No matter what the economy is saying, you are way above it. #BestBelieve.

While we prepare to celebrate Christmas, let's show some love to those who need our care and support. Don't wait till you have the millions, show a little kindness. Let's make Christmas come early for the kids in ketu, Lagos at Treasure of love, motherless home this Saturday.  Send a Dm so we can go together and put smiles on their faces.

Don't forget to watch Colorless produced by Stan Nze directed by the niccur Sobe Charles Umeh showing in cinemas.